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Hi. I live in a country where weed is legal (🇨🇦) so getting it is not a problem. That said, I think I still prefer to use steeet sources rather that overpay and see the government make money from it. They already tax half my pay.
My question here is about pain and overcoming it by using weed. I suffer from joint pain, arthritis and I'm wondering how effective weed is versus that. I am also wondering if it is weed versus CBD that is the answer.
To scale the pain, I would say it is a 7/10 where 10/10 is I'm going to cut off the painful part. So 7 is quite a lot. I've tried OTC stuff and the Dr said she could prescribe something a lot stronger but I don't think I'm going to go down that route since, ironically, addiction is a thing in my family.
I have tried legal weed in the form of edibles. They didn't seem to do anything. I'm 6"3 and 250llbs so maybe I need an elephant dose? I tried chomping on the whole package and nothing.
Hoping some people here have tips or some sort of insights into anything they have dealt with. I don't expect you to give a medical diagnosis or treatment plan 😂
In rare cases, it could be your liver preventing you from feeling the effects of edibles. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why, but some people have a specific liver enzyme that metabolizes cannabis differently, effectively making them immune to edibles. This rare variation only affects the body’s response to edibles since smoked cannabis isn’t metabolized in the liver.
You might want to try vaping. My dad smokes 50/50 THC/CBD and says that does the trick for his back pain.
I've never smoked. Like ever. Even vaping. I have heard that this is the best way to make it happen. Worth a shot. It's getting baaaaaad.
Smoking is best. Vaping is second best.
Cannabis user since 1993
Synergy is effective
My wife works in the cannabis industry. She gives me some CBD gummies for when my back acts up but it’s more to help relax, reduce inflammation and sleep than pain relief. I will check with her and see if she has any recommendations. She gets something for my mom for pain relief but not sure what it is. We are also in Canada so anything she recommends will be available in Canada.
Awesome. Thanks in advance for any tips. I'm going back to the doctor this week and I will be shunning any serious painkillers. I can't do that.
I sent her your post and asked if she could suggest anything:
Absolutely. CBD by itself works wonders. You can have it with or without THC and even hemp. CBD is great but if you don't mind a little THC, 1 to 2.5 mg is about all I would add to your cbd in terms of making it work better. Approximately 30mg cbd is a great starting point. PEARLS has straight CBD gummies with no THC that will help you reduce inflammation enough so you can rest. But if you need help sleeping, increase cbd to about 50 to 60mg .
Pearls gummies are wonderful. Also mood ring cbd capsules are great! 30mg cbd made out of extra virgin olive oil. Really easy on your stomach.
A bit of heavy CBD dose should help the pain. Keep the THC though. A good way to save is to grow your own and make whats called rick simpson oil. Very effective and very expensive if you dont grow your own. LED tech helps a lot nowadays with cost. And the auto-flowering ( sativa or indica + ruderalis) make it suuuuuper easy for beginners.
Try your harder before the prison of opioids.. When the pain is great, then they are a good tool.. but fuck.. a prison for life
I've been prescribed opioids a long time ago and stayed away from it. Some good tips here. I'll look into it thank you.
I honestly see CBD as weak, at least for me, I think that smoking weed in its essence with its combination of THC and CBD is the best, and I would recommend vaping it, it is what works best for me, good luck.
Have you consulted a chiropractor or physical therapist?
I had a frozen shoulder last year. Chiropractor gave me exercises to do at home. My shoulder is now 80 percent better.
Yeah. I've been going to a chiro and RMT. No physio. I also work out twice per week with an instructor who coaches in mobility, lots of stretching and building of strength. Everything hurts all the time.
What's your experience with yoga and how has it affected you? Curious.
Go to a beginner class. Tell instructor about your pain and injuries. He or she will modify poses to help your pain.
Overall experience with yoga is great. I have always had tight hamstrings and back, yoga has been great for loosening those areas.
I say try it once and if you don’t like it then try something else
THC is more efficacious than CBD. A combination is also effective.
CBD doesn’t work for me probably because I am used to THC. Or delta 9 THC to be exact.
The 9th isomer of THC molecule is the active ingredient in cannabis