I definitely could see her in the top 10 but I am not sure about top 3.
Hmm. Her posts are well regarded and valuable though.
I can't be sure about top three but @Natalia is definitely in the top 10.
And, we now only need 2 more guesses to complete the top 10 list.
These are hiding in the top 10.
Im not in top 5. I checked.
What? It's Shocking!!
If you aren't, who do you think are top 3?
I'm not sure. I think you've got a good list, but I still think there must be somebody who doesn't post much but is incredible at zapping.
Lots of sats to deploy but doesn’t post?But perhaps has been making an appearance lately as anon?
… nemo…
that is all
Will we find out who was hidden when the madness ends?
I think so.
30 sats \ 11 replies \ @ek 18 Mar
Only if they reveal it themselves
So the madness is going to end and we will never know who won?
You guys need to rethink this for next year. It's a fun event but might need some tweaks. Sats prizes shouldn't be so top heavy. Not complaining here but I have probably increased my time spent on SN by 20-30% and I am going to end up with probably 30k less rewarded sats for the month than I typically get. I know it's quality not quantity but that feels intuitively wrong. My current estimated rewards are not too bad compared to some really prominent stackers I see lower down the leaderboard who are estimated to get only a few thousand sats for an entire month. I also think the rewards should have been split between the contest and some daily rewards.
Also, this should have been a great way to attract new users. Tying into march madness and alluring them with an opportunity to win a nice chunk of sats but instead has just been a contest to increase engagement from super users.
Fun event. Needs some re-evaluation for next year to make it better.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 18 Mar
Not complaining here but I have probably increased my time spent on SN by 20-30% and I am going to end up with probably 30k less rewarded sats for the month than I typically get.
this shouldn’t be the case that you earn less, will modify the payout curve in future versions.
also, don’t forget that the total reward pool will continue increasing for the next two weeks, so you’ll earn more than whatever you’re projected to earn today.
Also, this should have been a great way to attract new users. Tying into march madness and alluring them with an opportunity to win a nice chunk of sats but instead has just been a contest to increase engagement from super users.
we do have work to do on attracting new users, my hypothesis was that MSM would create more quality content (which it has), and that all the lurkers viewing the site every day would then be more likely to set up accounts and contribute themselves (this hasn’t happened). working on some new experiments to change this.
Isn't it kinda weird that we never got to know who we are actually competing with?
Agree but she only has one post this month. Very active and popular in the saloon and comments though. I wonder if that's enough to reach the top though.
That’s a fair observation. By comparison I guess she should be on a par with the snail maybe