Do you know anyone of Armenian descent?
I had a classmate in high school who was Armenian and hated Islam. He was extremely vocal about it. I didn’t disagree with him but I was surprised by his candor. Years later after college I finally learned about the Armenian genocide in 1915. Turkey is still in denial.
Yes, I grew up in Los Angeles and actually know quite a few Armenians. In fact, I know enough people to know every people has issues with some other people. We all come from tribes.
People who act like there isn't duality in every individual, family, community, tribe, society, country, religion, etc are the reasons we don't get completely passed this crap. When most people in most places get along fine.
I never lived in Afghanistan, but I lived in Fremont/Newark, CA in the 1990s and at that time it was the largest Afghan community outside of Afghanistan. Mostly the sweetest people. But there were teens that I am 100% sure went back to fight in the 2000s.
There is sweetness and terror in every culture. Root out terror. Don't blame culture.
Most people in most places should not move to America or Europe.
They are murderers and rapists. I suppose 1 percent or less are outliers for random unexplained reasons
Afghans are the sweetest people
That’s a lie and a joke
You’re only kidding yourself
I've been nice, playing your racist game, but now you can...
This isn’t Reddit
Your California mentality has no place in Tennessee outside of Memphis
Most people in most places get along fine because it’s the same tribe and culture.
You mean because they are human, right? Put their pants on one leg at a time, care for their kids...
You know human shit.
Not every human cares for their children.
Look at any poor city with a large population on welfare
“We all come from tribes “
Is it plural or singular?