I understand you perfectly. But you are too blinded by that state cage. Is the fear that speak from your inside. OK then don't complain. Just use fiat. Saving in fiat IT DOESN'T HELP in any way for your freedom.
Zero vendors in Indonesia accept bitcoins as payment.
That doesn't mean you can't make them accept. Or just move away from that filthy place if people there are so square heads. Just saving in BTC you will change absolutely nothing. Be the change if you want change. https://m.primal.net/HiIE.mp4
It's a process. I just started it. No one goes from zero to 100 in one year. I started out only wanting to save. Now I mix and spend. Buying plane tickets was a huge milestone for me. But as for forcing people to accept bitcoins as payment, that's ridiculous. I live in China. A choice I made before I got serious about Bitcoin and privacy. So yes, I'd have to move first to live the life you're talking about. Location matters