So you say that not only is taxation moral because it is needed. Also slavery is. Its odd to me to say this about conscription since the US has been just fine without it for 40 years.
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I say nothing about morality, because it's a social construct and can be arbitrary depending on what people can agree on. And I don't say that taxation and enforced government are the only way to build a state. I just say that current states work this way: taxation is a feature, not a bug. What about the conscription - I bet it isn't needed because the US has the strongest army and the strongest economy in the world. If and when there will be war with an equal enemy - conscription will be turned on again.
Anyone who is capable of logical thought and has seriously considered taxation in relation to other forms of theft will come to the conclusion that either taxation is theft or taxation is just some other thing that they refuse to call theft.
So taxation is a necessary evil? Is that your position?