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68 sats \ 5 replies \ @shafemtol 16 Mar 2024 freebie \ on: 100k sat prize for solving bitcoin seed phrase puzzle bitcoin
Looks like you've made an error when filtering the words.
The wordlist first needs to be truncated to the first 4 characters before filtering:
From that, I get 602 valid words:
From those 602 words, there are some words with too many
s or t
s. These can also be filtered, resulting in 574 possible words:cut -c 1-4 <english.txt | grep -E "^[$SCRAMBLED]+$" | grep -Ev 'm.*m|t.*t' | wc
574 574 2833
FractalEncrypt said he got the list of words down to 547 and I'm not at all sure why he got that number of words.
I didn't see a mention of 547 in the linked post. Could it have been 574?
Totally could have been 574.
Hold up, wait a minute:
I see how you are thinking, but...
There are 10 four letter words and 2 three letter words
Means that all the seed words are 4 letters or less, then I can do it the way I did it.
If it means that 10 of the seed words are 4 letters or more, you are right.
If no seed word contains
, and I filter the whole 2048 list removing all words containing z
it will remove the word breeze
.Now, this is a problem if he meant that in his puzzle he only gave us the first four letters of the seed words and some of the seed words are words that are longer than 4 letters.
But, if he meant that none of the seed words were longer than 4 letters, removing
is not a problem because it would be removed anyway.What do you think?
There are 10 four letter words and 2 three letter words
That is ambiguous. I do however believe that what is meant is that those words are four letters long only after truncation, from the sentence that follows:
All of the first four, and three, letters of each word are what I have provided.
(emphasis mine)
Yes that darn first makes it seem like you are right.
But in my ignorance I'm going to see if I can come up with 12 words the way I was doing it. Might get an answer and be wrong, but I think I can do it fairly quickly.