I believe there are stages in this sure I guess we can say it does in the short term because everyone is looking at it in usd...however when building and using and applying bitcoin to everyday life aka living on a bitcoin standard one does not really need to worry of the price last time I checked bitcoin is still up n running no matter what the media or those people who became a "crypto expert within a few monts....just keep focused and stay the path brothers and sisters and we will make it
There is so much temptation to stray from the path, those that stay the course will be richly reward, I just look at how these people who risked their bitcoin to earn yield and now they are rekt, they could have just self custodied and have been fine but you chose to get 6% and now you leave with 0%
I guess everyone needs to learn someway that the killer app is self custody
Rich is defined in many different ways you are not wrong sir. I was able to convince my step dad to just get btc only and cold storage etc... the defining line was do u really want to risk a whole coin for 3% gains...thats when it hit him and he said your right...