Interesting. I'm not sure I fully get the changes.
"The rule changes make the industry newly vulnerable to the forces of technological change that have driven down fees for travel agents and stockbrokers."
If I was a stockbroker, travel agent or realtor in recent times, maybe I'd be pissed at technological innovation and disruption/disintermediation, but then again, I'm sure there are many more professions that have been suffering a similar fate. So, what makes it any different?
To my mind, these are prime examples of middlemen of industry. I can understand that for exclusive, high-end property or service procurement there's a premium, but it seems long overdue and an obvious change to make, to allow direct negotiation between buyer and seller.
Thanks for posting.
Yeah, I think in many ways, they've been able to resist the technical changes that should have impacted them ages ago, and it's catching up on them super fast. Real estate agents can still be useful, but they'll need to find a different model.