If bitcoin price stay below this current price FOREVER, yes i would say bitcoin is failed to be what it supposes to be (or at least what I hope it to be), which is to replace central banking.
Why? If people are still using it in droves, who cares? If people are buying and selling and finding value in the network.
Do you really think people who are not on the Dollar lets say the Malawian kwatcha are going to care if bitcoin is at 20k? It's already worth more than 85% of the world can ever hope to acquire in purchasing power
sir, adoption drives prices. if we stay below say $20k forever, meaning there is no adoption. If got adoption, price will have to go up.
Adoption comes with time, the longer the network remains alive and active the stronger the lindy effect becomes, the fact that governments are irresponsible with their monetary system pushing people to bitcoin is secondary