Well, he's definitely ill. Even though things might have started as a way to avoid Australian taxes, there is no doubt in my mind he is sick. I'm no medical doctor, but narcissism, illusion of grandeur, mythomania, etc would be keywords I would not be surprised to find in his medical file and have led to this thing getting out of hand, badly. Add to that he's become Calvin's bitch over the years after screwing him over, it's a good thing he's lost. He needs to be out of the spotlights, for his and everyone's sake. Now, he'll probably be back, as long as he gets more funding to litigate.
Agreed -- there is no question in my mind, at all. I could have pity for the guy except he's been clever enough to use his chronic lying to weaponize the legal system toward other people.
So now I hope this is the beginning of him being utterly destroyed. I hope COPA and the assorted btc funders press their case until Ayers is out a hundred million dollars and Wright and his enablers are a smoking pile of wreckage.
Which Calvin ?