Yeah, I was looking at them today considering opening a channel. It's a little too rich for my blood, and I can't find any cheaper channels elsewhere. Ideally, I'd like to spend two or three bucks, which is about what it was in 2021. I dunno if anything like that is still around now or not. It's mostly just for my own satisfaction at the moment anyway.
It's a little too rich for my blood, and I can't find any cheaper channels elsewhere.
A couple of days ago I opened my second private channel to ACINQ. I chose ACINQ because LNBIG rejected my request to connect with them over TOR. Recently I about paid 670000 sats to somebody and the fee amounted to 0.1% of the amount. From your experience, is LNBIG more expensive?
From what I understand, LNBIG is generally more expensive.