But this is still unlikely to pass. Blackrock is a monster and I imagine they have bought a significant portion of congress. I suspect anything like this that affected them would not be welcome. But, like I said, I could see a bill coming forward just for virtue signaling.
Was listening to Pierre Richard's recent appearance on TFCT and he pointed out E Warren's age. He was pointing out that she is the main person in Washington with an axe to grind. She's not getting younger and there doesn't seem to be anyone else picking up her torch. Its kinda her brand at this point.
I don't know if all of that is true but it was interesting. I do think the next few years are gonna be interesting on the leech front. What will they try next and how embarrassing will it be? I really think most have no clue about bitcoin and still don't think its real. By the time they get it, it will be to late to stop it. I think it already is. I also don't think they are desperate enough yet. Not even close. The bankers and most of wall street is so arrogant that they can't learn. We see small numbers dipping their toes in but wait until the next bear market. Will be wild to see the next round of bitcoin is dead stuff.