I like Hansen but he's off here.
I have yet to see evidence that AI has anything to do with the tech layoffs. It seems pretty clear to me they are mostly due to over expansion during and after covid. Money printing and work from home inflated the industry with unsustainable growth.
Second, I reject the idea that demand for "manual developers" has peaked. I see no evidence of this. I do think it has leveled off for now but there is so much work still to be done and we keep creating new problems to solve.
It is true that we are in a tough time relatively speaking but IMO this is mostly a macro economic reason. AI is still being adopted and is far from good enough to replace even a decent engineer.
I could be wrong bit don't think I am. Have any of you seen devs being replaced by AI or do you see devs using it to get more done.
A lot of friends of mine use it for boilerplate. I gave chatgpt a try when learning zig and it seems like it could be a nice google substitute.
I’d still prefer a book or a course though.
For work (ruby and rails) never really felt the need