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It’s interesting to see how so much of the legacy news coverage today is about TikTok (even more than Bitcoin it seems), and yet there is barely any conversation about TikTok on SN.
Just a heat check poll, curious to know if you have TikTok installed on your phone?
In the comments, feel free to also share your thoughts on the proposals to divest or ban TikTok in the US, and what knock-on effects this kind of legislative action might have on other social platforms.
Nice try, Fed16.7%
54 votes \ poll ended
I'm pretty much on every platform you can think of but never opened TikTok!
I either somehow knew that it is harmful or just felt it's not for me
Not a chance! Seeing short snippets of the content people watch on there makes my brain hurt. Plus, video looks much better in a landscape orientation.
Never have installed, never will. Is there an actual difference to Instagram in terms of the format? I've never used that either. Nor snapchat.. I have to confess to having been used by Twitter and Facebook in the past. Not much though. To me these are all very similar.
I understand the 'potential threat' it is not a homegrown data harvesting all those seconds, minutes and hours of videos are going straight to P.R.China (via U.S.)
What is obviously not an issue is if that data could be bought legally anyway, so the idea of a pretext to ban an app based on x y z is straight up censorship and eroding of the U.S constitution.
Knock on effects will be censorship, further fragmentation of app-stores internet platforms. Tribalism. State sanctioned application-induced comas.
the biggest difference is that TikTok’s feed is entirely algorithmically generated, whereas Instagram still gives you some of the content from your friends or others you are following
I was not aware of that. Thanks for the clarification. I guess that's fairly significant in terms of shaping a consensus.
That algorithm is racist AF, too. For instance, if you are Chinese it always tends to show you videos of people making life & the world around them better, with words of wisdom & prosperity every other video.
If you're american though, it only shows you ghetto drama, gay promotion, and a whole lot of twerking videos.
The problem IMO is the need to link your profile to phone number. Correct me if I'm wrong, without that it would be difficult to distinguish user nationality and pipe a different algorithm to pump garbage or healthier content. Maybe IP allows to do the same, but that is the beautiful thing about connecting from different locations, and to my mind is how and why the internet was designed.
Not that it provides much anonymity if there's real incentive to trace, but that little protection or masking that it can provide to stop profiling users based on location, just like drawing the curtains in your home. Gulag surveillance is the problem. There's no benefit to exposing your location from a users perspective. It does not increase security.
I installed it on my phone because my Dance club students wanted to find some videos to inspire them to choreograph their dance. Another occasion, an ex-convict-turned influencer came to my school to give a talk, so I showed my students his TikTok videos on my laptop.
But rn, I uninstalled TikTok. It’s a meaningless time sink! I can’t deny the profound impact it has on the young, though
If you give me a "Nice try, fed" option I will choose a "Nice try, fed" option.
I don’t think this legislation is necessary. The president and congress already have authority to regulate foreign companies especially if national security is threatened
Is it decentralized and free software? no? then I'm not on it.
social media apps are like the cholera of our times
Cholera is the Cholera of our times. Social media is the ass cancer of our times.
what is the cure?
high self esteem and some brain:)
is high self esteem the cure or the outcome?
the cure.
the outcome is parasites doing stupid shit in front of cameras and low esteem lost souls watching that shit for hours
oh sorry, i meant the outcome of no longer using TikTok (my last message was confusing).
i can see self esteem being higher on average if nobody had access to TikTok, but I don’t see how raising self esteem gets rid of TikTok.
I have it because sometimes it gets linked to or a friend sends me a link but I never scroll on there.
It’s quite disturbing to hear (although I have not seen this substantiated) how much the ratio of content pro-israel/palestine ukraine/russia is flipped on IG vs Tiktok.
Never used instagram, Snapchat or tik tok.
Nice try, I see tiktok as a slot machine, and I don't want a skinner box to push me into doom scrolling or to show news for me. Same with youtube's shorts.
I have it. The legislation does not affect me. But the U.S. government and Israel are taking seriously they can't control TikTok as they do with other U.S. based apps where propaganda is so obvious.
Huhhh! TikTok is banned in my country. We don't accept Chinese waste. We stay clean and have YT for clean content and Facebook where we post the less dignified content, like naked scenes, porn, vulgal language etc. Etc. Facebook doing great here.
Nope. Day job disallows.
It's not as fun when you see it coming, fed.