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Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
If you missed last week's thread, here are the updates stackers shared from all their latest work projects.
Tinkering with The Bullish Webstore (a fork of @supertestnetโ€™s Magic Webstore).
So far, made it sats-only and tweaked the styling. ๐Ÿค™
so cool, how did you tinker with the sats only? I want to make that happened too ๐Ÿ‘€
and curious - how do you solve the cargo problem when sending physical goods without doxing your fiat name? Registering a company is one of the options, but then why bother with it when you are running a Bitcoin Business? Quite tricky.
I downloaded the original project from GitHub and started removing all the $ references.
Hereโ€™s how it looked before.
As for shipping, there are ways you can operate to maintain some privacy (e.g. dropshipping, having a PO Box, etc.).
The Bullish Webstore Thats amazing <3
Thanks ๐Ÿค™
Just merged a massively improved sn development experience. You can now get started contributing by simply running ./sndev start and it spins up the entire project with practically all functionality, loading a significant db seed, creating a regtest lightning network, and mocking things like s3. I tried to make it good enough that even I'll use it (before I would run everything locally outside of containers).
[keyan stackernews]๐Ÿ ./sndev help

      .d8888b  88888b.  .d88888  .d88b.  888  888
     88K      888 '88b d88' 888 d8P  Y8b 888  888
     'Y8888b. 888  888 888  888 88888888 Y88  88P
          X88 888  888 Y88b 888 Y8b.      Y8bd8P
      88888P' 888  888  'Y88888  'Y8888    Y88P

manages a docker based stacker news development environment

  $ sndev [COMMAND]
  $ sndev help [COMMAND]

  help            show help

    start         start env
    stop          stop env
    restart       restart env
    status        status of env
    delete        delete env

    fund          pay a bolt11 for funding
    withdraw      create a bolt11 for withdrawal

    psql          open psql on db
    prisma        run prisma commands

    compose       docker compose passthrough
    sn_lncli      lncli passthrough on sn_lnd
    stacker_lncli lncli passthrough on stacker_lnd
Thanks so much for contributing before this! Everyone that contributed earlier helped inform what we needed.
Youโ€™re welcome!
Oh and I'll be catching up on code reviews on which I fell super behind, then an investor update, then redoing all of the repo documentation.
Organizing a meetup in Croatia, invite yourself if interested
new info - lux lives in Croatia ๐Ÿ‘€
I've been working on my hobby project, nostr-java, a java library for creating, signing, publishing nostr events to relays.
We've added support for nip44, and done some refactoring on the nostr-java-api module, with the goal to make it even easier and simpler to use. The updates have been pushed onto the develop branch.
I've been thinking this morning about adding a caching layer, to speed up requests and reduce the load on relays. This will probably be the next major feature.
With nip44 in place, I can now focus on my nip46 implementation, another separate hobby project of mine, a remote signing tool inspired by nsecbunker.
Preparing a Bitcoin Workshop for Beginners for ~12 people at a time. Currently I'm thinking about how to get each person some bitcoin that they can send to each other to learn about sending, fees, receiving and UTXOs.
Should I use testnet bitcoin or actual bitcoin and how to easily send to everyone?
actual bitcoin
this, use the scan option?
Trying to come up with funny Bitcoin memes that make me laugh :) As such: #461701
This, I think it biggest news of the week :)
I'm not gonna do anything else except staying on SN.
Won't blink my eyes before I snatch that first spot on the MSM leaderboard.

I dare you all

Beware all Stackers! I won't surrender until I lose of my finger tips for typing on super amoled touch screen of my brand new Galaxy S24 ultra.
The war is on and I wanna make it clear with a quote from Browning
"I was ever a fighter, so---one fight more, The best and the last! I would hate that death bandaged my eyes and forbore, and bade me creep past."
So, come on all Stackers! I dare you! Write with exceptional and vociferous might like the lord of Hell, else you can always surrender and be submissive without vocabularies.
๐Ÿฅ‚ Cheers ๐Ÿฅ‚
Even if you lose to me, I promise to deliver 1 can of HODL Beer from Container Brewing
๐Ÿฅ‚ Cheers ๐Ÿฅ‚ Again ๐Ÿป๐Ÿป
I need to find a way to run chantools to recover lost funds from a Lightning chan ๐Ÿ˜…
Building out the final pieces of our new custodian integration. Fighting with HR to get my paycheck corrected. I am losing this fight and it makes me sad. :( Hosting a BitDevs tonight. Prepping for the one next week.
Launched the Admin UI for Cypher https://dev.cypher.space/admin
Apart from coding, organizing next week's local Bitcoin meetup.
The friends who do not listened to me at $16k then $30K and $50k are calling me with so much worry that they missed the train. That happens when you only looking the FIAT value and do not educate your self about bitcoin. Now we are building from the stage 0. Hopefully, by the end of this cycle they will get what bitcoin is about.
no particular order:
  • working on training in new role ( may I stack more sats)
  • finishing the top of my miner case (body is complete, just waiting on some rolls of clear PETG- my goal is to have all the layer lines go the same direction so that you get a diffused light effect when the miner is on and blinking)
After the top gets added I need to sort out the fans-get them swapped to a noctua for better cooling + noise. At the moment it's a 24/7 white noise machine.
  • starting my reading of 24 ( very interested in the idea of bitcoin fiction,we must still dream of alternate futures)
Trying to avoid a lot of things.
deleted by author
Man, that cotton weave looks like what the fremen were wearing in Dune! Cool shit!
oh wait until I made it into a garment:)