My dad changed careers when he was about your age, because he wanted to help inner city kids in our area. He taught math at the poorest school in our distric and has so many of these really touching stories.
It's so stupid that it's lower status to teach the kids who most need the help. My hat's off to you. Keep up the good work.
To what extent was your dad involved in your education? Did he sit down and coach you in Maths frequently?
I’m wondering how much of that teacher persona I should bring home to my children. Because for one, they are not my students and for two, it’s tiring to have to operate on the same frequency after a long work day haha
When I was really young, he would leave a sheet of exercises for me to do in the morning, but I think it was because he thought I enjoyed it.
He mostly left teacher mode at work. I'm sure that's partly because my only difficulties at school were with actually doing the work.
When I was studying math in college, we would talk about it, but that was as two math nerds.