Looking for someone who can create high-quality content similar to this Instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/C4TWzqoMQgJ/. If successfully completed, I will choose your work and share it across our social media platforms. As compensation, I offer 30,000 satoshis.
That's it? 30k.sats? That's a lot of time that I don't think you understand for only 30k sats
Shitcoiners like you always bargain and are lazy. I will do it for free just to fuck around and not let you take the sats, you don't deserve them. Is a damn simple meme FFS, how much effort could take you? 10-30min? 30k sats could be generational wealth in few years, but yeah your shithead can't comprehend that, because you are dumping them for shitcoins or fiat immediately.
for how much are you willing to do something like that? Is actually more of a creative work rather than edition