A link with a lot of sats might actually be more interesting than a discussion post with the same amount of sats since SN is biased towards discussion posts.
But now that I said it, is this still as true as before I said it? Just like measurements can influence what you measure?
Anyway, just wanted to write something that sounds smart before writing this:
Since nostr cross posting was enabled for link posts, I've been doing a lot more of them. They don't get as much engagement, but they're a lot less work too.
Controversy I’ve noticed always makes the Top 5 every week on SNL. The more controversial the better it will be received…good or bad.
Everyone has a take to contribute…good or bad. 🤷‍♂️
This is the way of the internet not even Bitcoin fixes that.
A link with a lot of sats might actually be more interesting than a discussion post with the same amount of sats since SN is biased towards discussion posts.
why? it seems quite fishy to me if a post just with a link and many sats yet without any comments.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 12 Mar
Because if link posts get more ignored than discussion posts, then I would think that the same sat amount on link posts is a higher signal. But not sure, also don't know if that's how I react. Was only wondering.
it seems quite fishy to me if a post just with a link and many sats yet without any comments.
Are you talking about my post? As a cat, don't you like fishy posts? 👀
yet without any comments
Maybe indeed too complicated but stackers be like:
I don't understand but this looks interesting
nah your post is fine, I mean those with big sats yet AI written like or even average content - got my alert for those fishy bots ass milking.