I only know that Madeira has a pro-Bitcoin government. What else should I know?
We actually eat churros in Singapore. Idk how authentic they are though haha
this territory is moderated
Madeira is an autonomous region of Portugal, which means it has some freedom in its decision-making. However, when it comes to laws, it still has to follow the guidelines set by the central government.
In terms of being Bitcoin-friendly, Madeira was once more open to the bitcoin. However, there is still a relatively high degree of freedom for Bitcoin users. While I don't personally trade Bitcoin often because I'm a hodler, it's worth noting that there was no capital gains tax on Bitcoin until last year. Now, there is a tax on capital gains if you hold Bitcoin for less than a year.
Madeira is a tropical island located near the African coast. It boasts a diverse range of natural beauty, from lush vegetation to unique animal species. The people of Madeira are known for their warm hospitality, making it a popular tourist destination for people from all over the world.
Fun fact: Cristiano Ronaldo, the famous footballer, was born in Madeira!
Thank you. Your knowledge makes me happier than the sats haha
After all, sats are ephemeral but knowledge lasts eternally!
Fun fact: Cristiano Ronaldo, the famous footballer, was born in Madeira!
Hence his nickname : pinocchio
I've never heard that one before.
16 sats \ 1 reply \ @fm 12 Mar
dad joke warning..
Not mine..
¿En qué se parece Cristiano y Pinocho? ... ¡Que los dos son de Madeira!
Idk how authentic they are though haha
the recipy is super simple.. so, you probably get something very very close to what we eat here