Time moves one way, forward. Utilize the time you have today to better your life tomorrow. Everyone has a clock and that clock keeps ticking until their last breath. Some longer, some shorter.
As a kid, everyday felt like the longest day of your life. Being home before the street lights came on was the single most important event. Spending the days riding bikes, playing tag, swimming, sports etc without a care in the world, consumed you. Life was never better. Life was never slower.
You’ve grown up now, and times never felt faster. The kiddos are growing like weeds. You wake up feeling a little more achey than the last. You’re getting older. Losing friends and family becomes more common. Days blend together into weeks, months, and years. It starts to feel as if there isn’t enough time.
Technology has streamlined every aspect of life today. This writing for example would have been written on paper, signed, sealed, delivered by mail. Our money is inevitably going through this very change. From Rai stones to tobacco, tobacco to gold, gold to fiat, and fiat to credit. We are watching right before our eyes the change from fiat to bitcoin. Sending monetary value at the speed of light across the world. However, having a money which wastes no time sending and receiving has coincidentally brought us back in time. Hear me out.
We are seeing a surge in farmers markets and the old barter system. The use of homemade lotions, tallow, cooking products. Eggs, beef, locally sourced vegetables for sats. The type of products that took time and effort to make with far better quality than we see at big box stores today. Being able to transact in a permission-less monetary network we are bringing back the old time values and beliefs into the modern world. Value for value.
One could hope we see the beautiful architecture we once saw lining the streets of churches, buildings, old town halls make a comeback. With a money from the future that requires proof of work to create, comes products and a way of life from the past that last and are made with quality in mind.
Our grandparents would be proud.
Yes getting back to the basics is what we need right now. If we can somehow go back to the old and real barter system, that will lead to the death of current fiat demons. Current punitive system charges everything extra for every product and service. They tax everything and shitty fiat enables this for them. We need Bitcoin and we need barter system.
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