Went to take a natural dyes course last week and also got the play around a bit with weaving at the end. πŸ‘€ One of the takeaways from it is one can visually learn anything they want - with the right information, time, and patience.
But there many dark forces need to be fought with
a. Information censorship, from library burning throughout history to internet censorship to suppress the knowledge passing down.
b. Greedy people come up with different solutions yet without solving the root cause and keep draining people's time and energy - I realized that many problems can be solved with simple things, directly from nature instead of from labs or shopping malls.
c. Entertainment is everywhere to distract you from solving the problem yourself, so you need to depend on others, and that leads to misery.
But the good news is some of these knowledge is still here, living within the old generations and spreading in the hidden corners.
got a world of possibilities to explore!
cooking your clothes with herbs πŸ‘€
this is for making patterns, so simple but works like magic!
me playing around and it's really interesting - you would easily make mistakes if overthinking while doing it! the trick is to just do it and feel the flow.
Nice post, Natalia. You've found a nice corner of the world there.
I love to keep exploring these old lands, it feels like they have done many POWs in the past so that they accumulated all the techniques to MAKE things with bare hands and simple tools, so simple and everybody could learn and make things themselves.
But then the Industrial Revolution happened, and it started destroying the traditions in the name of productivity, people went to schools to be educated to be consumers and workers instead of creative makers.
people went to schools to be educated to be consumers and workers instead of creative makers.
Well said!
The world can go puffff, but we still have hope to rebuild it with Natalia's accumulated skills.
stack skills and then come back to share and stack sats, repeat 😎
Always good to see what you are up to. Crafty…
the goal is to craft everything I own, and the life I want:)
We must not let knowledge fall into oblivion. Thankfully, there are people like you who keep these traditions alive.
trying my best to stack them before it's too LATE.