randomly walked into this cafe, it was the old furniture caught my eye at first, and then I ordered a few cookies to try; one of them was called leblebi cookies - Leblebi is roasted chickpeas, and they're amazing even as a snack, healthy and delicious. But I didn't know you could make cookies with its flour, and OMG, that was like the most delicious cookies I've tasted!
Then I started talking to the owner to show my appreciation, and it turned out that he used to work in the military and then he went to learn about baking a few years ago because he loves cooking, and now he runs this small cafe in which he crafts every detail possible, from the painting ( he did those himself ) to utensils—it's easy to have a nice design these days ( the majority are soulless tho ), but unique, amazing food and interesting stories are so HARD to come by.
Stories like that add extra flavor to the food, and talking with people who love doing their work really energizes me, you can even see the sparkings in their eyes. ✨
Did you convinced them to take your sats?
I should had, but it's so delicious I forget everything! 😂
really should pill small shops like these, amazing food and fair price, insane.
One time I convinced a small shop to take my sats telling the owner: "Consider these small amounts of sats, like my personal contribution to your pension... just hold them. Thank me later".
I love old furniture and tiles, this piece could use a little restoration on the bottom. I love good cookies even more :)
edit: almond cookies?
it's next to it, also really delicious
In Portugal, we also have an almond tradition. We have some fields in the center country where pollination is done with bees that are purposefully taken there. That's how almond cookies are made here.
looks good too!