@ideasourcing none of what I'm about to say is about you, I'm sure you are an excellent person. I'm just relieving myself of some thoughts I've had the last few days as I've joined the BTC community.
He's a doomsdayer. This is someone who, for one reason or another, has convinced themselves that the world as we know it will violently change in the near to mid future, and Bitcoin will become an immediate utility that reaches something which echoes universal adoption. They believe that those who have it will be swarmed by beautiful women who have dumped their soy boy beta cuck fiat wimps for a true Bitcoin alpha.
These people are incredibly simple minded, and haven't even gamed out what would happen in such a scenario of 'explosive' transition. Such an explosive transition will likely bring the national security state into overdrive, which will likely lead to a crackdown of one sort or another on Bitcoin as is inherently destabilizing to the traditional power structures. We should not want an explosive future, because the national security state will overreact. They will say 'we need to crack down on criminals and money laundering', and won't hesitate to freeze the accounts of institutions that hold/trade Bitcoin if they don't surrender it to the government. Apps like CashApp will suspend Bitcoin related services, under pressure/legislation from the government so as to prop up the value of the dollar amid international pressure/inflationary headwinds/war.
We should not want an explosive future, but people accept it as a matter of fact like a doomsday cultist would accept that there is going to be a 'final battle between good and evil. Trust me ;) God has no such plans to send the host of heaven to put the smackdown on that bitch-ass Lucifer, nor is it frankly likely that the future will be explosive. All of the global self-interest is tied into international trade and economic growth - only a small, vocal and frankly mentally unstable minority wants to see war. Now, because of that unstable minority, we might have war - but most people don't want it, which is probably why we won't have it.
The best option for Bitcoin, as I see it, is for people to invest in civilization - not hedge against it. If humanity can keep society stable, over time people will naturally migrate to Bitcoin and Lightning as fundamentally superior solutions to the problem of money. This way, growth will be gradual, organic and policymakers won't be able to head off universal adoption, as it will be too late. As of now, it is not too late for government to cut the head off the snake - and for the BTC community to be crushed. Let's try not to be so anti-establishment, and actually try to invest in the modern civilization that took hundreds of years to build instead instead of callously casting it aside in favor of... what exactly?
I definitely agree with this. I'd like to see a smooth transition where Bitcoin just infiltrates and outpaces the traditional financial infrastructure. Its just that useful a tool. Sort of like how the internet just became ubiquitous over the past 30+ years.