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There's a growing minority of individuals who believe that compliance with pedophiles, thieves and war criminals is what is needed in order for Bitcoin to be successful. I guess it's important to define what success means for Bitcoin, and for you as an individual. While these individuals are a minority, they have a huge reach and do not get much push back or criticism.
Success for me (Richard Greaser, world's second most important journalist) means living a life full of meaning and purpose as well as being my best self. That is why I smoke so many cigarettes in order to keep my brain working on the highest level.
To me, seeing Bitcoin as successful means disintermediating state control over money and actually having free markets. In order to be able to do this, it means routing around the state vs. merging Bitcoin industry with the state.
Neither of these things are possible in my opinion by complying with the current order. Compliance to me seems more dangerous than non compliance and creative undermining of the current financial, government, and economic orders. If Bitcoin fails to issue in free markets, and even strengthens the current systems of power, I fear we will be in a worse off position, even if we get semi wealthy in the process.
Our actions matter because they have compounding ripple effects. Compliance and even support of politicians impacts everyone around us negatively. Bitcoin is constantly getting attacked by the KYC industrial complex, and some Bitcoiners are supporting the attack.
If Bitcoin fails to defeat central banks and liberate individuals, we will be living in a future where smoking is continued to banned, your entire existence is to pay taxes to Epstein's buddies, die in pointless wars, and live without truth.
Whether or not compliance kills Bitcoin is yet to be seen, but the harsh reality is that in the end, compliance will kill you.
Couldn't agree more. It's freedom money or bust.
Bitcoin is constantly getting attacked by the KYC industrial complex, and some Bitcoiners are supporting the attack.
As time and adoption goes by, "Bitcoiner" will more and more be a designation like "Water Enjoyer!" It's just not going to tell us very much about who that person is. Earlier I joked about BSV, but I did that because they claim to be "Bitcoiners 🤡 " but opposing cypherpunk principles, who are fine with relegating "BTC" to big data centers in compliance with government, and so forth.
They did us the favor of forking off (pun), but there's still many people in the space pushing ideas that would lead us to becoming just another government 'Bitchcoin.'
That's a great point. People are trying to appropriate the term Bitcoiner
Compliance is most definitely useless. Nobody will be sovereign through compliance. No sense!
I think the thing people are failing to see is that compliance is more dangerous than noncompliance.
As the law adapts to the Internet, the law will adapt to Bitcoin. Compliance is not a problem. If you want to promote Bitcoin to the world, you must accept that different people have the power to effect Bitcoin. But you can keep Bitcoin what you want through the community and running full nodes and even mining.
Bitcoin is a paradigm shift that people are having trouble understanding. The compliance side of things is like choosing to continue sitting in Plato's cave, knowing there's something outside of it.
Compliance is not a problem
Seems that the "thinker" can't think (use his brain). Bitcoin is not adapting to the world (laws), but making the world to adapt to Bitcoin laws.
It will be interesting to see how it all unfolds and if the Bitcoin incentives vs fiat incentives battle it out for the public conciousness, even though we early Bitcoiners feel a certain way I wonder if the middle majority will
Bitcoin is a tool and people can choose to misuse it, theres already so many versions of neutered Bitcoin, the ETF, exchange Bitcoin, wrapped Bitcoin, custodial bitcoin bringing in trust into "holding" Bitcoin where ape games, 3rd party influence and control can take hold
While I am hopeful for what Bitcoin can do, I never underestimate humans abilty to fuck up a good thing
It's likely to be messy. It has already been messy
For me the success of Bitcoin would be to make everyone (including the disgusting pedophiles you mentioned) obey its rules and become the world's defacto monetary standard.
Compliance doesn't and won't kill Bitcoin, but compliance does kill the weak minds.
Bitcoin doesn't need anything to be successful; it's already a massive success.
Bitcoin businesses are less certain. The pitch that they have to make is that their company will disrupt the financial system. This gets pitched while the business struggles to acquire and maintain a standard business bank account.
Fuck Amboss with their tools for OFAC compliance! https://www.nobsbitcoin.com/amboss-launches-reflex/ Amboss... now you are the enemy of Bitcoin ! Don't try to bullshit bitcoiners with your crap. If you want to comply, go back and work for govs and central banks.
We get it. You don't like a single tool we created (that wasn't built for you). Please don't use it. Please stick to the other things we've built for folks like yourself such as:
  • A lightning explorer
  • A channel backup system
  • A directory of lightning addresses
  • An API
  • A keysend billboard
  • A lightning stats dashboard
  • A Thunderhub integration
  • A free ghost lightning address
  • A liquidity marketplace
  • Liquidity automation
For all the lightning business (like StackerNews) that need to build compliance tooling (like exchanges and custodians), we just made it way easier so you don't have to waste time building it yourselves.
NO. Amboss must be punished because they are TRAITORS. You will not escape so easy... BOYCOTT AMBOSS BY ALL MEANS!
Yes, I know and as you can see I didn't delete it. That is from 2021, when Amboss was OK. Now we know you are not anymore. So bitcoiners will see the history, how Amboss became the enemy of Bitcoin and go to the other side...
INTEGRITY is important in Bitcoinlandia. And Amboss doesn't have that integrity.
That's a great distinction.
Richard Greaser, world's second most important journalist
100% totally agree !
Behind Julian Assange of course
I had the impression that 1st was Malaka III :)
He's up there with us at the top.
ah ok make sense now.
Like everything else, it's gonna be a middle road. There's no time in history that a great nation don't have some sort of political structure, and law.
"Compliance" can mean different things. Presently, we associate that with adhering to rules as imposed by the state. Freedom-seeking people generally consider this compliance to be "bad" because it's imposed via threat of violence and it's hard or impossible to opt out.
But imagine a post-state AnCap world with Bitcoin as money. You probably live in a town or city, that is, in some incorporated community, and by continuing to live there, you agree to the rules as set by that community (which could range from "no littering" and "no wi-fi signals stronger than X dB" to "food sold here must adhere to these standards, be labeled such and such, oh and no meat allowed").
That's still "compliance" but you presumably opted in when you moved in. Does it make it "good"? Or just "neutral"?
As long as it's voluntary agreed to it's okay
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.