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Yes, there are parallels. And here are some more:
A.I.The Singularity
Black holesThe Event Horizon
NanotechnologyTranshumanism or Grey Goo
the vast majority of Christians do not believe in the new 20th century concept of a rapture. Hyperbitcoinization looks more like a Postmillenial golden age before the 2nd coming of Christ. Dispensationalism heralded the concept of pre-tribulation eschatology that everything was going to go to crap and Jesus would come and save (again) his beaten and bloodied bride before the prophecied great tribulation. Postmillenialism and optimistic amillenialism both assume that Christian principles would work their way through the world like leaven through a lump.
Well, I think I have failed in my attempt to talk about how the christian expectation of a second coming and the bitcoiners expectation of hyperbitcoinization might be similar.
I did not intend to say in any way that they actually had anything to do with each other. I intended to say that people in each respective group were acting in a similar manner.
But when a writer has to explain what they intended, that writing is a failure.
I have failed.
i think the positive vision both see is absolutely similar. Don't see the comments as a negative disagreement, but a refining collective ;) We are all on the same team here.