Human beings, pattern-seekers and meaning-makers that we are, tend to make assumptions very easily.
We see something and then extrapolate from it (without even noticing that we are doing so!)
Here’s a way we can better care for one another: catch ourselves when we make assumptions about how someone else is doing, feeling, or experiencing life.
Instead, shift to curiosity: ask questions, consider what you might not be seeing, and be open to learning from them. Let them shine as they are—by inviting them to be who they really are.
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For extra credit, say more about this line:
Human beings, pattern-seekers and meaning-makers that we are, tend to make assumptions very easily.
In terms of this general discussion on pattern and value. We might think of the assumptions you're talking about in terms of value compression.
It's an interesting connection. Interesting to me, at least :)
It applies to everything and yes, value or knowledge compression could be another form of seeing it. It's always the most suitable to us related to the knowledge we have. We never consider what we don't know, and in scale I reckon is the biggest part.