I'm with ya on that: people simply don't care until there's another bull run and hear about that guy in the family that does own some bitcoin; he's suddenly more popular than ever in the family. I'm talking from recent experiences.
They could've been up there with me, but nooo, I don't know what I'm doing, yeah right.
At the beginning of the last cycle, I talked my tongue to my German friends. One of them saw Bitcoin as a casino and is now complaining to me that the 500 euros he invested only yielded a 40% return. It's unbelievable, but the majority of Europeans are communists at heart. That's why they have such a problem with freedom technology like Bitcoin. They will vehemently oppose it to the last moment and defend everything their rulers tell them to do.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs 11 Mar
Fuck them, more for me.
That's what I thought, too