Be aware... We are in a new Bitcoiner era, the "intelligence era", when they (the enemies of Bitcoin) will release everywhere, intelligence and specialized people to twist people minds with all kind of stuff, macroeconomics, ETF, math etc, BUT THEY WILL NEVER SAY the important the root of the problem: THE STATE. They are all state "kiss ass". And their narrative is how to position BTC into macroeconomics, how to regulate it, compliance etc... This is the phase when they join you. But also want to change the course of natural actions of Bitcoin. Before you listen to these guys, just look into their background, what they really did in their past, for who they worked, who funded them. You will find very interesting things... Follow the money, not just their nice words.
Bitcoin is simply FU money, freedom money, for individuals, not for govs, not for states, not for countries. It empowers the INDIVIDUAL.