It reminds me of @TomK's recent post about Nietzsche.
At first it seems to be saying there's no point to law, but that's really not the implication. The point is that without an enforcement mechanism there's no point to law.
118 sats \ 2 replies \ @TomK 10 Mar
Yes, that is correct. However, Nietzsche assumed that individuals would derive their own rules and ethics from a form of the categorical imperative of strength and dignity.
That's definitely a point where Plato and Nietzsche diverge.
Nietzsche's Zarathustra is more like a heraklitian Empedokles, dancing his last dance at the edge of the volcano of chaos.... the anti-Platon
Agree. Initially I had some commentary similar to this effect but I deleted it and thought this week I should just leave the quote and then engage with my thoughts in the comments.