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While this post reads as cope, and likely is, I think it's also true that most people who bring up Bitcoin in day-to-day conversation have no idea what they're talking about and are only in it for a quick gamble.
Its very appropriate subject for HN. They need all the coping strategies they can muster. Sucks to realize you spent your life developing spy software so the cantillion-class can get private yachts and you get to stare at your poo-app to avoid stepping in excrement while you walk around your bombed out, destroyed modern city-hellscape.
Yeah. It is weird that people sometimes can’t talk about other stuff.
One of many useful things I've learned on my Bitcoin journey is never try to help people who don't want to be helped.
Unsolicited advise is seldom appreciated and rarely heeded.
“You get bitcoin at the price you deserve”
never read the comments. HN put me off Bitcoin in 2011 which is obviously a huge regret. i could have started my proof of work much sooner by being more curious, instead of influenced by salty commenters.
I also remember reading negative comments against Bitcoin on HN in 2011. The main argument I remember was that "a deflationary currency can't work". That made no sense to me as early on I realised that, like the finite stock of all Picasso paintings in the world, Bitcoin's (eventual) fixed supply was a major positive feature in its design.
I remember that nullc (Greg Maxwell) was one of the very few voices consistently speaking up for Bitcoin on HN (I didn't bother myself, as the forum was so negative and reactionary towards BTC).
Anyway, I've been swayed by bad opinion / commentary on the net many times (the most recent being influenced into getting 2 shots of the Pfizer fake vaccine, stupid me) but fortunately I wasn't swayed by HN on this matter. I appreciate and sympathise with the regret that you must feel. Luckily, you're still early (from whenever you did change your mind).
hey! thanks for your thoughtful reply. interestingly i don't ever remember what their specific arguments were, but as a young technologist with little understanding of the fiat system i was swayed by their "authority".
absolutely right about their negative reactionary nature towards bitcoin, i'm convinced most of those commenters make up /r/buttcoin.
thanks for the sympathies :) my coping mechanism is to convince myself i would have lost my keys or sold in a previous run. now that i understand it far better those 2 things are far less likely to happen! we are definitely still early, but everyone must learn that from first principles in their own time right.
we all get bitcoin at the price we deserve
From the OP of the HN thread :
but one dude comes back non stop and telling me it's not too late to invest and the usual nonsense about the value going up
Seriously, don't be this guy. The OP is actually right here to be annoyed by this guy (despite, as we all agree, being wrong about BTC).
I swear that questions like this show how screwed up our cultures are. You set boundaries or people walk all over you. Some people are not self aware enough to realize that they are babbling on about a topic people are not interested in. You have to be blunt with these people. If you aren't then you can't be angry with them because you are not saying this behavior is not acceptable. Its my job to set parameters for what is acceptable for people that I have a relationship with. It's there choice to respect that. If they don't I need to make a choice about them being in my life. Its may not be easy to do but its simple.
They always says " DOnt bother my business"
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