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Last week, I hosted a Japanese professor who visited my school. She shared that when her elderly mother in her 80s visited Singapore, they were surprised by how Singaporeans readily gave up their seat on public transport to her ageing mum. She was amazed by our graciousness because this is unlikely to happen in Japan.
I was sorry to burst her bubble, but clarified that this stage of graciousness was the result of many years of concerted public campaigning. Our metro system has mascots to deliver the message of giving up seats to elderly people, pregnant ladies and disabled people. The end seat of every carriage is specially designated for these groups of individuals who need the seat more. Through such targeted initiatives, Singaporeans’ behaviour changed for the better gradually.
Which leads to the act of zapping on SN. I think it is perceived differently by different people. Some people are hesitant to zap responses because they are scared that they will be taken advantage of, that other Stackers flock to comment on their posts because of this inherent expectation of being zapped. Others will zap back as a token of appreciation.
I belong to the second camp, I guess. I think it’s only polite to zap back. In fact, I flirted with the idea of zapping a comment less than I would zap a post. But I soon abolished the idea because I found it troublesome to adjust my thinking. Anyway, who am I to say that comments are inherently worth less than posts? So I zap back as best as I can.
I don’t have any expectations in regard to the amount. Obviously, a 300 sat zap will make me happy, but this isn’t to say that a 10 sat zap won’t. I’m mindful that some Stackers mayn’t post and comment much, so 10 sats is their way of demonstrating V4V. I accept all zaps with grace.
I’m not so egoistic to stipulate that everyone whom I zap must zap me back. If you don’t find value in my comment, let’s all move on haha. But what I find peculiar is how some people’s stacking amounts heavily outweigh their spending amounts. Surely this means that they don’t zap anyone at all (or at most, a few lucky individuals).
Ordinarily I would have kept quiet and just concentrated on my stacking behaviour. But thanks to the Japanese professor’s observation, I’m reminded of how Rome wasn’t built in a day, of how Singaporeans put in the necessary proof of work to become more gracious. Wasn’t it Gandhi who said, “be the change you want to see in this world”?
I am apparently endlessly interested in this topic. Here's where it sits now:
  1. I zap the initial example of a thing (post or comment) that I think somebody has put non-trivial effort into, a number of sats proportional to what I have in my wallet, usually 100-300.
  2. I zap subsequent exchanges in a conversation a smaller amount, to say: I appreciate you engaging with me in a thoughtful way, whether we agree or not.
  3. If someone has made a particular effort, or said something extra brave or important, I will do a higher amount, subject to a calculation that is more animal spirits than anything.
The main thing I've noticed, in a way that I can't quantify bc I'm too lazy, is that generosity begets generosity to a point; but past a point, it does not. I've also noticed that since my wallet has been much reduced, that my own generosity is less. I believe both these dynamics to be broadly applicable.
Oh, one other thing I've noticed, that's taken like 6 months of pretty heavy activity to detect:
Zapping and zapping-back in conversation has definitely affected how I feel about relationships on the site. This is notable because in many cases it's roughly neutral -- neither I, nor my conversation partners, have made any money, or at least, the imbalance is probably tiny after all these months. But the feeling that is established is incredibly meaningful. In some cases, it's changed from a modest hostility on my part, to a substantial feeling of goodwill, just through these zaps and counter-zaps.
It reminds me, in a way, of a potlatch of ritual gift-giving. In fact, in many ways I understand the latter much better, after having been in this zapping economy for a while.
This seems like a non-trivial observation, since SN is often discussed as a way to earn sats, which it technically is. But much more powerful, in my experience, has been the pro-sociality that zapping sats back and forth has produced. Outside of potlatch, it reminds me of when you get to a point with a friend where you barely keep track of who's being beer or lunch or coffee. So even though you need money to do it, the power is not at all dependent on how much money you actually walk away with.
I'd be interested in other perspectives on this one bc the implications are large -- another way that psychology comes into play in this space.
Thanks for sharing about potlatch!
Just to make myself clear, I don’t expect people to zap me back. But I do feel compelled to zap people who respond to my post. After reading how many Stackers provide information freely and don’t expect any sats, I realised how much I’m a product of my cultural upbringing. In Chinese culture, we have a custom of giving back. Heck, we even have a phrase for reciprocality: 礼尚往来. I got married to a Japanese lady whose culture binds her to return back gifts even more strongly than I do.
I agree with what you said. I might have started zapping because I felt obliged to. Now I zap because I want to. I sometimes feel bad when I don’t have enough for zapping purposes, but well, pay myself first haha
You've given me another idea for a post. There's something to be unpacked about why reciprocal zapping is so pro-social, in contrast to how empty gifting or receiving cash feels (after a certain age, of course).
I've heard of family secret santa exchanges that devolve into just passing the same gift cards around every year.
That would be a great topic. The intersection of incentives and motivations gets very dicey when it comes to money and esp to social constructions. Most people have a hazy idea that there's a difference btwn 'intrinsic' and 'extrinsic' but that tells you basically nothing except that you should pay attention.
Yes a great topic to explore the impacts and actions of!
I’m aghast haha.
But wouldn’t someone have written inside the gift card already? How to pass them around and recycle them?
Good for reducing our carbon footprint though
You know which camp I'm in. I have a couple of pet peeves, but otherwise I share your view.
In a friendly back and forth, I do think it's a bit off-putting when the other person isn't zapping back.
People zapping one or two sats, what are doing? Are you really trying to convey that you value the other person's time and content at such a minuscule level?
I would rather get 0 than 1 or 2 sats.
Yeah, no zap doesn't send a signal at all, while 1 or 2 says "I think very little of that."
I zap when I find information valuable and I expect people not to zap me if they don't find the same value in whatever I post/comment. It's not our job to moderate how much "value" someone else is giving you (especially because those sats, no matter how small, may mean the world to that person). Worry about what you, yourself, can control and not what someone else "should" or "should not" do.
Each one have different goals and meanings in life... 😂😂😂
Sometimes, I zap everyone in a thread so much that my own comments look pretty shit.
A problem I know well.
lol you're too humble
happy to send a zap in return :)
Sensei must practise what he preaches haha
Amazing to reflect on Gandhi in your closing thoughts. I'm a worshipper of Gandhian philosophy. After reading about your Singaporean way of graciousness, I remembered one incident that changed my whole narrative about 'at least being human when required most'. At least 15 years ago just before a major festival, I was traveling in an overly crowded general compartment of Indian railways. People were stuffed like you fit 10 in a box of one. However just FYI, those who know about India also know it very well that the trains are the heartbeat of Indian Public transport. So it wasn't a big deal for a young boy stuffed like that. But what and how would you feel when you see so many old people also traveling in the same compartment. Not only the old people but also woman who were mostly the wives of those who worked in brick klin and returning to their village for festive holidays. I wasn't alone as well. In fact one of my college friends, who was with me, persuaded me to travel in general compartment. Even if it was a new experience for me but I was feeling much more relaxed because I had a seat under my hips and that was fortune more than gold in that journey. My friend was also sitting exactly in front of me and listening to music. He seemed relaxed but for some reason I couldn't cope with him. Anyways, everything looked settled once the train moved and whenever it stopped on stations, there were waves of confusion and tremors of shrieks could be listened easily. I held on everything until a young woman started crying loudly. The young woman was sitting on the surface with a newly born child in her lap. She had been there from the start of the journey and had been saving her child every time a passer by crossed her. I was sitting a little far from her and there wasn't much place to exactly have a look what was happening with her. But as her crying voice raised levels as if someone were in a great pain, I couldn't resist and stood from my seat, made way out of nowhere and reached that lady and what I saw was really unimaginable. The young woman was holding a newly born (seemed like not more than 10 days) who was not showing any movement. And the mother who was in fact an uneducated village woman thought that the child had already passed away. Her husband who stood there was also lamenting and tears were falling from their eyes. Nonetheless noone knew what exactly they should do in such a situation. As soon as I could manage to approch the young woman, I said in a firm voice to her husband, "How about celebrating this festival without your kid? How could you even do that?' He remained still and didn't reply anything to me. Then realising that they are just innocent people so I asked them to calm down and told the young woman to first sit on the bench. Then I checked upon the kid and realised that it was just a case of fainting due to dehydration and the young woman was thinking that the kid had died because someone from the crowd had put his leg on her baby. I instructed her to give the baby a rubbing on its back and then drop some water into its tiny mouth. After 2 or 3 minutes, the baby came alive, (as the mother wasn't ready to acknowledge that it was dehydration not the foot of anyone). She alongwith her husband became happy and for a few hours I was treated like a celebrity in that overly crowded compartment.
What an epic story!
I’m sure you will collect more such stories during your upcoming world trip
I'm happy with every sat I get. I think I zap a lot, probably more than I receive, but I don't keep track, tbh.
I would like to see a way within SN settings to view sats sent vs. received...
Go to Top > Stackers by Stacking by Forever.
Cool. Never noticed that before. Thanks.
SN devs; it would still be nice to see my own stats in an easier way.
As I wrote a few days ago, if we're interacting, I'm zappin. On SN, unlike Nostr, zapping not only a sat bonus, but it's how you like and boost something. So yeah, I zap and zap back. If a comment thread goes back and forth three levels deep, I may taper off, but initially? Yeah, I zap.
No need to overthink it, just be honest and fair.


post\comment & ZAP good content

Well if I be truly honest, I’m a bit irked by how some people stack tens of thousands of sats but only spend less than a thousand on others. But yes, focusing on levelling my A game haha
I've noticed this situation before, but I quickly realized that it's a waste of time to dwell on it. To each their own, and I'm not going to be the judge. Focus on creating and zaping great content, and don't let these issues distract you.
I agree with @0xbitcoiner - you do you and let your values / valuation be the example. Who knows what going on in these people lives or how they perceive the world after years of conditioning…. the fiat-head-fuck has a lot to answer for…and if they are just selfish then the world we see them for what they are.
I think zapping just because someone zapped you isn’t a big deal. I like to zap people who share valuable information and I expect them do the same with me.
Hear, hear 😄
When I saw your post on main page I thought it's just a question, inside I find your poem. I like big posts however I'd like to know about it before I click on link. (@k00b is it possible to add previews to posts on main page?)
What about zapping. If I read something interesting my big finger automatically extending to zapping icon.
As I write here #423133 when I got zap I know there's my soulmate and we both live on stackerNews
1019 sats \ 6 replies \ @ek 10 Mar 2024
When I saw your post on main page I thought it's just a question, inside I find your poem. I like big posts however I'd like to know about it before I click on link.
Over time, you'll learn what to expect from who. If you see a post from @elvismercury, you can be sure he didn't create the post to fuck spiders.
I can currently not see the value of a preview. If the title is interesting, click the item and (p)review if you really want to read it then.
That compliment means a lot coming from you, but most of that zap was for teaching me a phrase that I will now use until my friend IRL hate me for it.
Oh, I just realized that I'm replying on a post that was from @cryotosensei, not you, haha
But it still applies. But now I don't want to use the same description for @cryotosensei, that would be lame.
I would say if you see a post from @cryotosensei, you can be sure he is pouring his heart out and not just for zaps.
The first time I heard "I'm not here to fuck spiders" was when an Aussie colleague finished his degree and wrote that in the Slack chat.
Unfortunately, I hadn't many opportunities to use that phrase yet. I also love it.
Omg I m gonna use this phrase on my Aussie friends! I’m so happy!
Usually given as a collective ‘we are not here to fuxk spiders’… and it appeared in the book Casino Roylae apparently (but I may have misread that)
he didn't create the post to fuck spiders
One of my favourite antipodean sayings.. that and ‘Reg Grundy’s’
Happy memories… mate!
Previews and infinite main page (e.g. reddit) should increase average post views and interactions. Sometimes I miss interestion posts cause they gone far from main page
You wrote the soulmate comment last month. I smiled then, and I’m smiling now. Thanks, SN soulmate
If you know you know
Don't know don't check.
Just ⚡Zaps! ⚡🧡⚡
Great because this zap is super belated haha
I do zapped back sometimes to someone who comment my post or reply my reply but its not always tbh.
Same here. Sometimes I miss out people whom I should reply to, oops
I zap good posts or comments regardless if the person is a prominent zapper or not. But that being said I will be more generous with those that I know are also generous zappers. So I might give 20 sats to someone who doesn't really zap back but 50 or 100 to someone I know is a frequent zapper.
Guess my next goal is to get 💯 sat zaps from you haha
I zap when the content is good or when the share brings value to me or to the community.
And that's it, I don't have any other rules, nor do I care.
Your point about keeping the momentum still resonates in my mind haha. Cheers
Good :) That's a key concept cheers
Sometimes I don't even comment something, because I don't want to make the other feel obligated to zap back or something. I don't feel bad at all if nobody zaps me back. I try to not look at sats and not be stressed about it. But don't look at me. I'm not successful making friends. Social networks are strange.
Having said that, I like that zaps have value. It means much more than a simple like or thumbs up like in old networks.
Pls always comment on my posts if you have something to say. Don’t worry, I won’t feel obligated to zap you back, but pls don’t hold yourself back
heh how did you find this old comment? :D yes I won't hold back. I try not to think about sats. Everyone zaps whatever they want. I was reading my old comment and I think I didn't explain it well. I was more thinking about not commenting something that may not be worth a zap, like a very small response, or bad joke or something like that.
Erm cos I’m the OP haha.
Sometimes I like to zap old stuff because I always feel happy when someone zaps my old articles.
Oh I love bad jokes, especially daddy ones
Still trying to figure out when Stacker made it 100 sats to make a post? I'm too poor lol.
Here’s some sats to get you started haha
I zap whatever I like, they zap whatever they like.
If I don't zap you, I wouldn't have upvoted on Reddit either. No change in opinion on this if you upvote me.
Simple as 🙆🏻‍♀️
I’m new, so I don’t know how I’ll do things but, at least in SN, I zap if I think the post or comment is good and should be encouraged. I don’t really expect zaps back nor do I expect the zapped person to follow the same guidelines.
It’s hard to know why or why not someone zaps or doesn’t zap. In the end, stack sats, stay humble
I zap quality content so nothing to do with people
Is there a way to know who zaps who?
yes there isn't
I almost zap everyone, I don't think too much about being zapped by others. They will zap if they can relate themselves with what you write. I suggest V4V should always be back in your mind while writing.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.