Hello Sports Stackers!
Apologies for not getting a post out yesterday. I was far too wrapped up in the drama of the games.
Incredible fixtures in what has been a brilliant weekend for rugby.
Italy V Scotland was an edge of the seat game. Ireland v England was the same.
And today's Wales v France is all to play for.
This tournament has showcased some of the best rugby I've seen in a long time. Truly brilliant.
Hope you all enjoy the Wales V France game today and I hope you enjoyed the two fixtures yesterday.
I bet on scotland, ireland and a draw. How did I do?
I killed it on my England bet. I got them at almost 7 to 1 over Ireland.
Overall, my rugby ROI is almost 70% and I still have an outstanding bet. I think rugby just might be my sport. Maybe I should learn the rules and try watching.
You did well with rugby. I started off hot but the last couple rounds were pretty bad. Fortunately, I am only betting 100-200 sats per game because I have no clue what I am doing.
No risk it, no biscuit
I can’t believe I just watched an NBA game in the year 2024 where both teams scored under 80 points.
I'm guessing neither team was the '04 Pistons, either.
76ers vs Knicks
Wales France still in play so tbd...
The other two... Nah. They were huge major upsets. Cracking games. And that wasn't a bad bet. In any normal day that would probably have been decent... But rugby is not a normal game and the 6 nations is never a normal day.
Yikes looking like my 500 sats are going down in flames.
Always next time ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯