Similar, but not the same. Every nation back then was independent compared to now, even though perhaps the real power has been hidden for a century or longer.
Furthermore they all had at least a minimal supply of food within their borders, and if not at least a neighbouring country with long standing, peaceful relations for trade.
Everything also would have ticked over with electricity gone, albeit at a smaller scale. For longer periods people would simply have migrated out of the cities to families at small farms, my family would have had at least two options, one of which was within walking distance, a couple of days would have gotten us there!
Actually I did experience the very tail end of traditional living, although the animals were gone a year or three before we visited on vacations we still took part in the manual harvest, cutting & drying grass for the winter, to give away to the few remaining farms with livestock if I recall correctly. Or maybe just to stack if they needed to be self sufficient again...
These days? If I would get caught up in the fall of Europe I'd probably get a cheap boat, fishing gear and a ton of conserved meat, to then head out into one of the thousands of deserted fishing villages!
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Thanks :-) Grew up in boats & had my own for 2 decades, including lots of coastal sailing + one short ocean crossing that included a couple of hours being all alone on the sea, no land in sight!
These days I'd prefer to have a crew though, maybe a Bitcoin project? ;-)