Here's an intriguing article, I want to share with the parents and parented members of the community to welcome your personal opinions on the question whether parenting matters, and would love to know where you stand on the nature vs. nature debate. If nature indeed trumps nurture, what are doing wrong in society, schooling, parenting etc, or not enough, and how could we do it differently?
The current research from behavioral genetics provides a preponderance of evidence leading to the same conclusion: that the home environment, as it is influenced by parents, accounts for 0 to 10% of the variance in the personality and intelligence outcomes of children! Heredity (genes) accounts for about 50%. A long standing question about the remainder has ultimately pointed in the direction of the child’s peer group whereby they account for 40-50% of the variance on personality and intelligence outcomes (Pinker, 2002). As it turns out, peers are the nurture influence in the nature and nurture interplay.