I have not been to El Hodlador, but of course its on top of my wishlist. So this will just be some thinking around the dynamics from my side.
What they got is miniscule, and unless something major changes El Hodlador won't be able to get much more since there is not much fiat to buy with.
The residency program probably brings in a bit, but also that won't make them get into the top tier of hodlers before Bitcoin goes parabolic.
What matters is the incentive, the complete shift from being 100% dependent on fiat to getting some actual independence, especially since it seems they've been able to navigate both the IMF and World Bank, and even the CIA and others meddling.
This is a huge feat on its own, and totally what will drive the economy going forward. Just imagine living with the treat of being robbed, killed or even worse whenever you hit the streets after dark. Then there is a change where its currently one of the safest countries in the region!
That on its own is what will drive developments, even if something really bad happens, and since people now live in a completely different environment they will not accept going back to what was.
Which is possibly why there seemingly has not been an attempt at colour revolutions or the outright attacks that especially the IMF does as routine elsewhere.
What would happen if they lost all the BTC they hodl? Especially if it was stolen by the US?
I could imagine people all over the globe rallying to the cause, giving the whole project even a higher momentum...
What would happen if Bukele is out of the game for whatever reason? This might be the only Achilles heel. There would be people around him that have seen it all happen in real time that are qualified, but old power groups and/or external forces just might then be able to pull some strings...
But even then that would have to happen under intense scrutiny, globally but certainly on the ground as well. Which is why it would be hard for the usual suspects to just steal it all via a coup, a corrupted, new president or whatever.
In short I think it will take a lot to really derail things, especially now that all governments and plebs on the globe see the same: the dollar IS dying, for real now :-)