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Although I have no real problem here on the ground I do watch both all sorts of automated tech & surveillance encroaching on the natural way of living, it is all pushed from the outside by corporate forces, the US/EU deep state, the WEF and so on...
I have been very careful through the years, there should be only one video with me talking about stuff under my real name, from back when I played the microentrepreneur game in fiatland. I'd guess that is even taken down now, or buried deep.
Also I've seldom used any customer support, except for my long time bank that is less monstrous than most. Doubt they'd store voiceprints as its more of a mutual, local bank. Anyway, I do not think there is much that links my voice to my real ID.
To all of this I have to add that I've used adblockers since forever, to the degree that I don't ever have anything following me around consistently, and since splitting my activities out across a ton of spoofed identities since 2020 with now using Qubes to really boost that I feel confident about doing something using my real voice and even video.
But, what will the future bring?
I do not plan on giving in to the CBDC game ever, which certainly will include face recognition and voice prints. A former long time friend from one of the companies I ran did that, then vanished & is still probably working as a suicidal bus driver way up North... "It was real easy" was one of the last things I heard from him regarding these things, after spending a lot of time together trying to find cracks to slip into and/or monetize subverting the system!
Bitcoin of course solves a lot of this, and here on the ground gold is real money for me too, in practical terms I've got a runway of a year or two.
The dilemma is of course that doing videos is the way to build trust these days, so how nefarious and all encompassing should we expect the surveillance systems to be into the future?
I do have quite a bit of experience of living outside of the systems, also abusing them, as well as "doing the right thing" in collaboration with them, which perhaps did the most harm of all...
Will we get a social credit score and/or travel limitations that will be able to work around for most capable people? Or will passports be tied to all biometrics in the near future, coupled with AI harvesting all published sound and video recordings, with automated court orders and so on......
There will be solutions for most problems, as an example I'd start renting out my voice & face to as many customers as possible ASAP if I knew the latter, real dystopian future is set in stone, real or faked customers. That way there would be at least an explanation for saying all sorts of weird stuff all over the place ;-)
A lot of the long term game is to plant the right seeds early on... Perhaps synthesizing your own voice with AI & spreading it all around is a good move right now? Any other takes and ideas?
Ideally we should all mix up all our data perpetually, 24/7, garbled data is poison for the Beast Machine ;-)
I think it's pretty cringe you believe in all those tHe DeEpsTAte aNd ThE wEf conspiracy theories.
Yes, they're government overreach incompetent buraucracy hell entities. But they're not a secret cabal that's comicbook evil or tries to build a totaliterian surveilance state. That's just a childish way to see the world.
Politicians that try to build up cameras everywhere are just old idiots who don't know what they are doing.
I used to subscribe to that belief but then 2020 came around…
It’s also more of a loosely defined term to keep it brief, I do NOT believe there are highly coordinated and organized entities that control literally every tiny detail!
Call it the permanent state combined with slush funds and printed fiat to buy far too much surveillance tech if you want, that also explains most things…
The scary part is just that there seems to be real, evil intent within that…
you sound like a glowie
I think it's irresponsible that you don't see whats happening.
  1. Don't worry about personal devices where biometrics stay private, offline on device
  2. Do worry about sensors and cameras in public spaces. There is little a private single person can do about that once they are there. But write to your senators and local politicians. Even the politicians you don't agree with on other topics. Fortunately this isn't a deceive partisan issue yet.
This might be a hard pill to swallow for SN contrarian edgelords but the best course of action is making sure there are people from all parts of the political spectrum that care about this topic. And the worst course of action is turning it into a partisan issue.
Totally agree on everything!
The problem is all the sheeple that have no idea... Some are waking up a bit when seeing how the whole WHO treaty is shaping up, but in many countries that is way too late...
Exactly 💯
Bitcoin of course solves a lot of this
not sure about that
I do agree with that. Bitcoin allows an immediate transfer of a bearer asset. No credit is involved. And if I don’t need to cover for anyone’s money, I don’t need to know who you are.
it’ll be dystopian future indeed - but when the only eyes and ears of the rulers will be those of the Beast Machine; it’s then when the lunarpunk party starts!
Educate yourself and remain cautious. it’ll be scary but it can be fun, too!
Oooooh yeah, mess their stuff up, been there done that ages ago!
I mean, these days you even get great, battery powered angle grinders :-D
Welcome to the future!! Perhaps, this is overreaction to all our concerns right now. Perhaps, the new tecnology will prove us wrong. Perhaps there will be some sort of anti AI thing that escapes all of us from being trapped. Who knows? However, your concern is real and Bitcoin really solves a lot of this.
Its been predicted. All technology will evolve 1 Step... This is fun, it wil turn to dystopian future who i only see in Movies and Series
Welcome to the future!
Thanks, always lived there, hopefully it will be less tiring staying ahead now haha