Cubs fan. Chicago suburbs native, no longer there anymore. Miss Wrigleyville of old, they modified and improved the area, but I miss the shady/dingy bars. Then again, I maybe just miss being in my early twenties haha.
Are the Jays gonna be good? I feel like for the past few years I anticipated them to be better but the AL East is always competitive. Thought the Cubs were gonna sign Chapman last week.
Edit: I suppose I'm also partial to the Braves, have family down in Atlanta and used to go to games frequently on visits. Got to see Cubs beat the Braves in Game 5 of the 2003 NLDS from box seats right behind home plate. First Cubs playoff series win since 1908 I think.
Wrigley is one of the parks I haven’t been to that I plan to get to at some point.
I think the Jays will compete for one of the wild card spots. The window is closing quickly for them with both Bichette and Guerrero Jr slated for FA after next season. Maybe they will be able to keep one. Maybe.
I was always hoping Cavan Biggio would have been better, sons of three great former big leaguers on the same team would have been entertaining. Not sure who I'd keep if I had to choose, but probably Bo right? Vlad is coming off a down year so maybe that's clouding my judgement.
I think Biggio is going to have a good year this year. He should get more playing time and he had a good second half last year. He was hitting better and playing above average D regardless where they put him. To me his ceiling is a super utility guy. But that’s still a really useful player.
I think they will try to sign Bo long term.
Do you do fantasy baseball? It seems to be way harder to get and keep a league together for baseball than say football. One of my long term leagues collapsed this year which is a bummer. Be cool if we could get a Stacker Sports league going if there is ever interest in the future.
@needcreations_ wanted to do a SN fantasy baseball league this season but no one seemed interested so I pivoted focus to trying something else. I told need that if he does something outside of SN to DM me on nostr and I will join.