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Great short and sweet resource on bitcoin and energy usage.
Very nice.
It also uses energy so that creating money is not cheap.
For its timechain!
Bitcoin converts time and energy into money because money is your time and energy.
I just made this one up on the spot but that's how I think about it.
Or to flip it around...
Paying someone for their time and energy with a money you created for free is theft.
Think about that last one for a second. If you can create $100 out of thin air, you can buy $100 worth of real value (someone else's hard work) for nothing. That's theft.
Governments are stealing from you when they print money. Shitcoiners are stealing from you when the conjure up tokens.
How does bitcoin reduce methane emissions?
Uses excess energy as miners look for cost efficient energy sources
Unforgeable Costliness it has to happen for the coin to exist it's essentially what backs the orange coin like gold used to back the dollar when I'm asked what backs bitcoin I say energy that's why it consumes so much to create one I then tell newbies look at all the lights wherever we r at. If inside the ac as well n tell them that energy costs money this bar or wherever has to pay for that it's a real thing can't deny energy is a real thing 💯
It's very important that Bitcoin uses energy to produce the best energy.