Taking into consideration weather, the venue (looks small IMO), travel expenses, etc.
I have only been to one Bitcoin conference, Bitcoin 2022 in Miami. I have been to about a dozen other tech conferences though. They're all the same. It's the people that attend them that make the true conference experience worth it. You'll make friends, networking contacts, and build relationships that last for a very long time. The speakers and their content is beneficial too, some talks more so than others. The social aspect is more important, IMO, since the majority of content can be found online afterwards.
Dont expect much of it but reckon it looks like I will be there. It shall be less shitcoinery and more signal to noise ration than anything remotely large in scope.
Bitcoin 2014 (Amsterdam) attendee here. That conference was pretty good, and that was my first time to that city, which was an incredibly historic and amazing place.
Even back then though, with me not having traveled outside the U.S. all that much before, the amount spent for travel expenses and such ended up being much more than I was expecting it to be. I'm really glad I went in 2014, but I don't even attend the big conferences here in the U.S. even anymore.
I think it may be worth checking out. It will have a different and fresh mix of people from European countries.
I love Amsterdam, but I'll (most likely) be attending TabConf instead: https://2022.tabconf.com/ ... which falls on the exact same day.