The European Union's dilemma can be illustrated very well using the example of global gas reserves. The continent has no resources worth mentioning, has severely damaged its nuclear sector in the German solo effort and is relatively naked in the energy sector. This is also the background to the strangely bizarre climate policy that the Europeans are trying to impose on the entire world by trying to talk them into their Net Zero corset. The gigantic image and propaganda campaign of the World Economic Forum is only aimed at leveling out this strategic trade disadvantage of the Europeans. The rapid growth of the BRICS countries, the very regions that provide massive deposits of oil and gas, is the answer to the Europeans' attempt at geostrategic dominance.
As Europe is in extreme need for natural gas alternative supply other than the Russians, Biden claimed to have delivered about 15 billion cubic meters of additional LNG apart from regular supply. This however could only control, albeit couldn't control rising prices, the situation in short term. Biden or Trump whoever be in the next winter, I am damn sure the situation will be worse than today. Mark my words: America won't be donating anything to Europe. The war episode b/w PUtin and zelensky and co. (Especially Biden and UK), will lead Eurozone into darkness.
and the fact that Biden has closed the lng port, which was supposed to deliver LNG gas to Germany, shows me only one thing, that this is a little revenge for the way the Germans sabotaged the Ukraine escalation
It's an interesting point about Europe pushing climate hysteria on the world strategically, because it reduces their energy disadvantage.
This reference may not land, but it reminds of playing Civilization and thinking you're doing great until you find out you don't have any of the newly revealed modern resources.
It's too bad Europe refuses to learn the lessons of other resource poor, yet prosperous, societies like Hong Kong or Singapors: free markets and free trade.
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 8 Mar
I have been following European politics for more than 15 years as a journalist as a citizen and once you have understood why they are creating this climate hype, you can no longer ignore it. this is a pure emergency operation
When are they going to realize that the world isn't falling for it?
What are they going to do when they realize that?
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @jp305 8 Mar
I was curious about the current import by country and overall demand for NG and found this. What caused the spike in demand from 2019? Restrictions on coal/oil?
It's possible. I lost the overview on their hundreds of sanctions
Do most Europeans realize that the US blew up the Nordstream 2?
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 10 Mar
They have no idea. They are living in their own Matrix. For example: the vast majority blames their economic fall on capitalism which never existed in the EU. And there is zero interest in BTC as a technology to save You from the EU commies.
Plugged in still…so early we are.
Norway 🇳🇴 exports natural gas and crude oil
It's the exception. And clever not to be part of the Euro-Commie-Club
"severely damaged its nuclear sector in the German solo effort"
Are you sure that was solo effort? ;)
"According to Die Welt, the Kremlin has provided EUR 82 million to activists fighting to stop natural gas extraction in Europe" (and surely to stop nuclear plants as well)
Please ''Die Welt''..... Putin really doesn't need to finance activists. The Euro-Commies are doing the job perfectly by themselves
activists like money "KGB" has budget 2+2=4 :)
And now think of who is paying all the climate activists. A hint: begins with G...