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The British like to have their own unique characteristics, you know they drive on the left side... it's scary to drive there, but I'll try it one day.
The UK, Ireland and, up until recently, Iraq all drive on the left. Keeps your sword hand free for dealing with vagabonds and highwaymen.
I wish I was joking…
Isn't it ? WTF !
Yep. And they have roundabouts…. And then they have magic roundabouts. Bloody dangerous driving there…
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Yep. Best and worst time of my life.
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Information gets absorbed through the skin via the water molecules in the spittal that covered your face on the drill square... Obviously. Oh what fun times.
Is the saying "we salute the rank, not the man" as mentioned in BoB in this scene really a thing? I get that respect is demanded by subordinates but the saying itself, is it common or was it just invented by the show because it sounds cool?
All I can find when I search for "we salute the rank" are references to BoB, lol.
And why is Winter's ending of the salute so much quicker and to the side, special meaning? Textbook salute? Car salute? lol
Oh yeah for sure. Id pop a salute to officers I didn't like at all. Infact more often than not I made sure I saluted the ones that were assholes over the ones that weren't, the ones that weren't didn't mind if you forgot or it was dark and you couldn't see their rank slide. The assholes would make it more difficult for you if you didn't, so it was in your best interest to just do it. So yeah absolutely. And also you're not saluting the rank per se. You're actually saluting the monarch, who commission is held by the officer. So you're not saluting the person, not really their rank, but more saluting the monarch via them, if that makes sense.
It’s an odd one in this context in that it justifies you having to do something you don’t consider the recipient worthy of. In the UK you salute the officer in recognition of them holding the Kings Commission (the bit of paper that says you are an officer) and because you swore to obey the Sovereign and the officers they place over you (and that’s why you salute the senior officer present rather than all the officers.) Politicians and retired officers either do not hold a Commission or have resigned their Commission meaning no salute for them! (Unlike the US)
Story time? 👀
Best saved for a few beers in an actual Saloon.
I see, fair enough, bookmarked this comment.