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What are the changes besides a larger population?
this territory is moderated
The population is still small, but maybe 50% higher. I'm not sure.
The major change is that it's rich people moving into new fancy homes and it used to be a middle class community. There's also a less prominent development of low income multifamily housing.
You could add to that a hundred other seemingly innocuous changes that people in small towns freak out about.
Section 8 affordable housing
I don't think so, but I'm not 100% sure. It was intended for service sector workers who couldn't afford homes in the town.
Low income service sector workers?
Sounds like euphemistic code
Check out this video
It doesn't really matter what it sounds like. Resorts employ lots of low income service workers.
I'll pass on Mark Levin. I've had my lifetime fill.
The video is a speech by Dick Lamm in 2003
Do these service workers have passports and green cards?
Otherwise we should pass because I’ve had my lifetime fill