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Dr. Stacker's Ultimate Markdown Guide 🚀

Table of Contents

  1. Text Formatting
  2. Lists
  3. Links and Images
  4. Code
  5. Tables
  6. Blockquotes
  7. Footnotes
  8. Task Lists
  9. Emoji Support
  10. Appendix

Text Formatting

  • Bold: **bold text**
  • Italic: *italic text*
  • Strikethrough: ~~strikethrough~~
Combine them for bold and italic using **_bold and italic_**.


Ordered List

  1. First item
  2. Second item
  3. Third item

Unordered List

  • First item
  • Second item
  • Third item

Nested List

  1. First item
    • First nested item
      • Second nested item


Inline code with backticks.
# Block of code
def hello_world():
    print("Hello, Stacker News!")


  • Align text by using colons: :---, :---:, ---: for left, center, and right alignment.


Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax. Its design allows it to be converted to many output formats.


Footnotes allow you to add references or comments without cluttering the text. Here's how to create them1.

Task Lists

Task lists are great for tracking progress in project files or to-do lists.
  • Completed task
  • Uncompleted task
  • Another task to do

Emoji Support

Emojis can be added to your Markdown 😃. Use the emoji shortcode (e.g., :smile:) to insert them.


Bold TextMake text bold.**bold text**
Italic TextItalicize text.*italic text*
StrikethroughCrosses out text.~~strikethrough~~
Ordered ListCreates a list with numbers.1. First item <br> 2. Second item
Unordered ListCreates a bullet point list.- First item <br> - Second item
Nested ListCreates a list within a list.1. First item <br> - First nested item
LinksAdds hyperlinks.[OpenAI](https://www.openai.com)
ImagesEmbeds an image.![Alt text](https://example.com/image.jpg)
CodeFormats text as inline code or code block.Inline: `code` <br> Block: ```python `code` ```
TablesOrganizes data in rows and columns.`
BlockquotesIndents text to quote it.> blockquote
Horizontal RuleInserts a thematic break.---
FootnotesAdds a reference or comment at the bottom.Text with footnote[^1] <br> [^1]: Footnote text.
Task ListsCreates a checklist.- [x] Completed task <br> - [ ] Open task
Collapsible SectionsCreates a section that can be expanded or collapsed.<details> <br> <summary>Title</summary> <br> Content <br> </details>
Custom IDs for HeadersAssigns a unique ID to headers for linking.### Header {#custom-id}
Definition ListsDefines terms and descriptions (Not widely supported).Term <br> : Definition
Text HighlightingHighlights text using HTML and CSS (Not standard Markdown).<span style="background-color: yellow;">Highlight</span>
Using HTMLAllows for HTML elements for formatting not supported by Markdown.<div style="color: red;">HTML content</div>
Emoji SupportAdds emojis to the text.:smile: → 😃
Inline Images and FiguresEmbeds images with captions using HTML.<figure><img src="url" alt="desc"><figcaption>Caption</figcaption></figure>


  1. This is a footnote. It can contain links, images, or even code. ↩
Omg this is a godsend. Bookmarking this, thank you