Hi everyone, I'm Hong, cofounder/CTO of Bitwise. I'm doing an AMA here for the next hour.
For those not familiar with Bitwise, we're mostly known for our bitcoin ETF these days (ticker: BITB) but we've been around since 2017 and primarily focus on helping tradfi investors access this space from the comfort of their brokerage account.
Happy to answer any questions related to Bitwise, Bitcoin ETFs, or anything else you're curious about!
this territory is moderated
481 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 7 Mar
Is there a circuit breaker? Just say bitcoin were to drop by 50% overnight, or double in price overnight, is there something like a circuit breaker that kicks in like in other stocks?
219 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
tbh i'm not super sharp on this. but i don't think overnight price changes are an issue. if it moves 50% during a trading session possibly. it's worth being clear that ETFs might not be the best vehicle if your interested in intra day trading (i mean even beyond the circuit breaker topic, the stock market is only open for a few hours a day and not open during the weekend!) so spot bitcoin is def better in such cases
604 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 7 Mar
What's are potential rug-pulls when investing in a bitcoin ETF?
432 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
the issuer could go out of business? but even in that case the ETF itself is a separate legal entity of its own and will either be managed by another issuer or be liquidated and ppl get their money back
it's tightly regulated (no lending of any sort is allowed) and audited so really not a FTX like situation. but ofc still good to allow ppl to publicly verify so one of the things bitwise does is publish our holding addresses https://twitter.com/BitwiseInvest/status/1757813223536103568 (we're the only US ETF to do this)
784 sats \ 3 replies \ @dk 7 Mar
What are your opinions about new payment technologies? e.g. Lightning, ecash, fedimints, etc.
Do they impact your business much? Do institutional clients ask questions about such things?
1389 sats \ 2 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
i think ppl are overly down on lightning when really it works pretty well in the custodial (enterprise?) use case. lightning imo is what will be the interoperability layer that bridges liquidity between hubs of different kinds. ecash (both cashu and fedmimints) are super super interesting and promising as the last mile payment solution for scale and privacy for the end user. it's much better than just custodial lightning alone since it's private, free, and instant.
not much impact on our business yet and definitely no questions from clients yet. i think we're still driving the sound money / digital gold narrative in terms of what wall street is trying to wrap its head around
100% The crowds haven't arrived yet for lightning, but the tech is way ahead and accelerating. More to come on that soon as lightning meets more and more enterprise pain points.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @dk 7 Mar
419 sats \ 2 replies \ @anon 7 Mar
Is Bitwise concerned with the centralization of Coinbase custody? Will Bitwise ever build their own custody solution?
112 sats \ 1 reply \ @hong OP 7 Mar
we prob won't build our own custody solution b/c since stuff like bernie madoff, it's very much expected from tradfi investors that the fund issuer shouldn't be the custodian as well since there's more room for fraud in that setting. a huge firm like fidelity ppl are fine with sine they trust apriori but a new firm like bitwise if we said we did self custody then many prospective investors would raise eye brows
centralization with coinbase custody isn't great but it is also undeniable that they have the longest / best track record with the largest amount of bitcoin. we're definitely open minded tho. over the long term i think a onchain multisig collaborative custody type model where multiple institutional custodians would need to be compromised at once for the bitcoin to be lost would be ideal. there's challenges to navigate in that world tho since "who is the custodian?" type things become harder to answer regulatory wise etc.
sounds like Onramp. hope this model becomes ubiquitous for the normies
What are your top priorities while serving as CTO in Bitwise?
629 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
it really changes a lot b/c i also just play a non-CEO cofounder role which means you just take on whatever needs the most attention. but maybe the more steady CTO responsibilities are being involved with management of the eng team and just following things like protocol developments (current softfork discussions are fascinating for example) and things happening in the ecosystem (nostr & ecash are my two favorite things at the moment).
Has Gary Gensler called to congratulate you or any of the other ETFs on a smashing success?
129 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
still waiting for that call lol
What would you like for your company / industry do to support individual investors better?
568 sats \ 2 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
from the ETF perspective, i'd love to figure out how to enable in-kind redemptions so that ppl can redeem without a tax event in a self-sovereign way when they are ready. there are gold ETFs that allow for this so it should theoretically be possible but the SEC is not allowing it at the moment. so more wood to chop there.
SEC had runout of ideas to stop Bitcoin. Now these partial tax rules only indicate Gensler's embarassment.
Interesting insight. Wasn’t aware that was the case. Thanks.
350 sats \ 3 replies \ @2d 7 Mar
Hey Hong! Really cool of you to do this, congrats on the launch.
Could you give some insight around the decision to disclose your wallet address? Personally thought it was a great idea but I imagine there was a lot of thought and discussion behind it
313 sats \ 2 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
it wasn't b/c ppl really thought we'd runaway with the bitcoin or something like that (ultimately these are incredibly tightly regulated products, etc). but more so i pushed for it internally b/c i felt it was important for the ETFs as public vehicles getting a lot of attention to set the right example and demonstrate to the world that this isn't like gold where public transparency and secure custody are at odds. you can have both with bitcoin and that's a big deal. also post FTX i feel more strongly that we just need to keep moving norms this direction so that every honest actor by default has more transparency and as a result the bad actors are more easily identifiable
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @2d 7 Mar
awesome, strongly agree. I think you guys set a great precedent on that move and that it really helped push back against the negative narratives vs btc and brought some much needed transparency to financial products in general. respect
appreciate you noticing our effort here!
Why do you see value in supporting bitcoin projects and developers? In other words what led Bitwise to support OpenSats? Thank you for doing this btw.
753 sats \ 1 reply \ @hong OP 7 Mar
while we use the language of "donation" when we support devs i think in reality it's closer to a self-investment into making the asset itself stronger. many ppl think bitcoin just magically gets maintained but that's not true! idk like to me the better question is if you manage a large pool of bitcoin, and you take fees for doing so, then why would you not reinvest some of that into the underlying infrastructure?
Exactly. Bravo.
377 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7 Mar
Everyone seems to assume ETFs are technically straightforward but I'd guess they aren't. What are the most surprising technical challenges of launching and maintaining a bitcoin ETF?
231 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
working with the SEC?
jokes aside, there's a lot of plumbing issues to get right. for example APs (authorized participants) are the ones that create and redeem ETF shares directly from the ETF itself and each of the entities (for us for example it's entities like goldman, jane street etc) you need to establish separate bi-lateral legal agreements etc. it's just a lot. and that's just one category of service provider you need for these to function.
Do you see ETFs as a stepping stone toward self-custody? Have any investors asked for help going the self-custody route?
262 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
i do. not for everyone but for those who go down the rabbit hole or have a desire to be further self sovereign which fwiw can happen many years down the road after their first dabble into bitcoin via ETFs (or any other route for that matter). it is something investors ask for as well since a in-kind redemption would cause no tax event as well. a few gold ETFs have this feature too so it's possible. the SEC is not comfortable with this yet and this one feels like it might take a while to push them on this topic (but also we're not going anywhere! we worked at the bitcoin ETF application for 6 years with the SEC so we're not going anywhere and we'll continue to push)
Can smaller ETFs survive in an ecosystem dominated by giants?
How do you plan to differentiate yourself from others? Why should we choose your ETF?
230 sats \ 1 reply \ @hong OP 7 Mar
notable features:
  • lowest fee amongst the four billion plus AUM products (20 bps)
  • 10% of profits donation to devs (via opensats, brink, hrf)
  • public transparency (only one to publish holding addresses)
Given those advantages, which seem substantial, why would someone not pick your ETF? Is it purely a matter of brand / advertising (e.g., normies know who Fidelity is, or Blackrock is, but probably not ya'll)?
623 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7 Mar
What's something you believe about bitcoin ETFs that practically no one agrees with you on?
316 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
hmm. hard one. this isn't one that ppl necessarily disagree with but the second order effect that i think ppl aren't seeing is that bitcoin ETFs will do wonders in fighting the discrimination bitcoin has been receiving in the US financial system.
for example broker dealers (regulated by FINRA and SEC) aren't allowed to custody bitcoin or really touch it in any way. SAB 121 is also a weird accounting rule that has been put out specifically targeting bitcoin and requiring extra reserves to be kept 1:1 if you hold bitcoin in anyway. this isn't like bitcoin asking for any type of special treatment. we're just looking for it to be treated equally as to everything else. it's been a hard battle for the bitcoin industry to push for this but since the bitcoin ETF the tradfi banking lobby has been pushing the SEC to get rid of these arbitrary road blocks to offering bitcoin services. the days these things are blocking bitcoin's path is numbered.
129 sats \ 1 reply \ @cascdr 7 Mar
Do you see products like Hoseki being industry standard?
229 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
i hope so! we're doing our part publishing our bitcoin holding addresses for BITB and pushing the conversation. at least the other ETFs couldn't claim that it's not possible.
Will there be a tokenized version of the ETF?
115 sats \ 1 reply \ @hong OP 7 Mar
not likely for now. the whole point is that the wrapper makes it easy for tradfi brokerages to handle it (making it a token would revert it to something hard to handle)
120 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 7 Mar
What are the risks from your perspective of the bitcoin ETFs? What are the rewards?
313 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
they aren't immune to governments seizing it EO 6102 style if they wanted to. but at the same time i think they make such actions much less likely and much harder politically since now millions of more ppl and entities of all types are invested in bitcoin and they would be outraged by such a thing. honestly i feel much better about the "government bans owning bitcoin" attack vector these days than a few years back.
I'm real dumb so I bought both BITB and IBIT and I don't know which to keep or why. Please help
337 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
BITB is lower in 20% lower in fees (20 bps vs. 25bps). 10% of profits donated to devs. publishes its bitcoin holding addresses. i'm biased but i think for the bitcoiner that really cares BITB is the better bitcoin ETF for both you and the ecosystem.
182 sats \ 2 replies \ @anon 7 Mar
How often does the fund trade/update it's position?
255 sats \ 1 reply \ @hong OP 7 Mar
every market open day where we have inflows / outflows (an AP comes to the trust and asks to create shares or redeem shares). when money comes in we go out and buy bitcoin. when money leaves we go out and sell bitcoin (hasn't happened to us yet!)
Thanks, good to know!
196 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 7 Mar
what do most bitcoiners misunderstand about tradfi investors?
431 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
i think most bitcoiners think about the tradfi investor as like a monolith. but in reality a self-directed retirement account retail investor, a family office, a financial advisor, an endowment are all very different beasts. even within just the category of financial advisors (which is our main target client and also just the largest pool of investing capital in the US—around $20T) there's a whole spectrum. like there's advisors in wirehouses (morgan stanley, UBS, etc) and then there's regional broker dealer advisors (LPL, raymond james, etc) then independents and they all have different things they can and can't do and different client preferences. learning and realizing all this was a big part of getting better at operating bitwise. every investible dollar has a different constraint and preference and to unlock that dollar to be investible for bitcoin we need to tackle it in different ways! (ETFs are beautiful b/c they are a good swiss army knife that can be used in almost every tradfi context imaginable)
You know we don't like 💩🪙s here, right?
64 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7 Mar
When shouldn't someone use a Bitcoin ETF?
good example is if you want 24/7 trading ability. you can only buy / sell bitcoin ETFs during stock market open hours.
When will Bitwise explore multi institutional multisig cold storage to derisk the honey pot that is Coinbase custody being hacked, losing a key, other technical issues etc.
Can Bitwise trust Coinbase when the service crashes whenever there is a +15% price movement (manufactured circuit breaker?)
430 sats \ 1 reply \ @hong OP 7 Mar
yeah fair question. i'm currently exploring the multi institutional multisig custody model (have talked to the unchained folks about it for example). the tricky thing about this is that it's harder to answer questions like "who has control? who is the custodian?" in the regulatory sense etc. long term i think it's the right strongest security model but there's some ways to go for it to be well understood enough for it to be a practical solution for ETFs i think. that's my current thinking but trying to get sharper on it.
just on the note about coinbase. i get the frustration but it is also undeniable that they have the longest / best track record with the largest amount of bitcoin being custodied. they have a really strong security practice.
They purchased Xapo a few years ago
106 sats \ 1 reply \ @kr 7 Mar
A lot of folks on here track the Bitcoin ETF inflow numbers pretty closely, are you noticing any other ETF trends or interesting observations that don’t get expressed in the daily ETF numbers?
625 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
kind of surprising gold ETFs have been experiencing outflows since the bitcoin ETFs launched even though gold price is in ATHs. you can't be sure that gold -> bitcoin rotation is the primary cause but if true an interesting trend.
Welcome Hong! Can you post some proof that you're you?
680 sats \ 2 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
here's a nostr post (with NIP 05 verification from the bitwise domain): https://primal.net/e/note16cdzg0uvmmjz0fxef89lwa0hpvrn8wfdup8h23wsg7k63wz7h78qdkkslh
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @uno 7 Mar
Hey! What's up bro? Follow you on Nostr
hey! thanks for following
82 sats \ 0 replies \ @kr 7 Mar
He’s him
right on
Is there a possibility that Bitwise launch its own coin someday in future?
115 sats \ 1 reply \ @hong OP 7 Mar
highly unlikely? we're in year 7 of running bitwise as a straightforward revenue generating business serving real people with real investing needs. no need to muddy that with a coin with no purpose
Okay, so you are no shitcoiner. It's a confirmation now. SN is happy to listen your views.
I read bitwise donates 10% of their profits to bitcoin developers. Right now your BITB fee is 0%, so i guess the donations start after this 6?-month zero-fee period? How will you decide who exactly will get the money?
239 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
the 0 fee was up to 1B in assets and currently the AUM is around 1.8B so fr the 0.8B we are currently taking the fee. donation will happen annually (in Q1 each year after we close out the year end accounting). currently the three orgs we're committed to are opensats, brink, and HRF and they will be splitting the 10% of BITB profits equally
Hey there, nice to meet you. I previously bought some shares in BITX or BITQ (I think it was), but sold it. Do you recommend (HONESTLY) that I purchase some again and hold it? What would you do?
Is it a bitcoin only exchange?
When is Bitwise planning on self-custody the bitcoins they hold? Fidelity did it, seems like a pretty easy thing to do. Plus, how many *shitcoins will your guys ETF wrap, I watched the CEO interview with Gary Cardone, he sounds like a BlOcKcHaIn guy who doesn't fully understand Bitcoin
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 8 Mar
What's your background? Did you come from tradfi and moved into bitcoin?
Great discussion
What is your perspective on the future of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in the financial landscape?
How does Bitwise approach managing assets in the volatile cryptocurrency market, and could you provide insights into the investment strategies employed by Bitwise in navigating these market dynamics?
Does your name have anything to do with bitwise operations?
How many licks do you think it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
126 sats \ 0 replies \ @hong OP 7 Mar
21 million?
What is bitwise?
How does the technical infrastructure behind Bitwise's Bitcoin ETF operate, and can you provide insights into its key components?
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