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Germany, the former economic engine of the eurozone, has catapulted itself into economic obscurity with its climate hysteria, overregulation and high taxation. To put the drama of this development into perspective, it makes sense to look at the United States as the most important benchmark when it comes to the economy. The chart shows how the United States is rushing away from the country that is deindustrializing itself. The infantile stubbornness of the ideologues in the German government is leading the nation deeper and deeper into recession, and people must prepare themselves to accept massive losses in prosperity in the years to come, as there is no sign of any understanding among those involved.
Why is Germany deidustrializing? Commodity and other input costs?
Exactly. The German government's climate policy, which can be described as radical even by European standards, is driving companies out of the country.
Fuggin idiots!
Yes, what did you expect from school dropouts, ideologues, communists, climate apocalyptics and other riff-raff of our society?
Drill baby drill USA!
I'm sure that deindustrialization by Germany will make it the frontrunner in long term. It wil be the biggest GDP by 3740. The happiness index will be the highest by 4430. The per capita income will be highest by 5390. Yes, Germany will once again be the the most powerful nation by 6610.
the leader of the Week Woke West