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Sorry for the clickbait title, but this IS happening. Especially today, on Day 3 of this phenomenon! It's no joke, they REALLY are doing it openly ! This shape of order book (Depth Chart or whatever) is supposed to lead to increasing prices. But it is not. Because the moment it increases they sell a stash cheap enough to bring it back to 66666.
Since 3 days every time I check the chart, it's hovering above 66500. Today is Day 3 and it is magnetically stuck on that band all day! It seems the bankers have fixed the price of bitcoin at 66666, lol where are the plebs? Please make this meme come true!
Day 1 (day before)
I'll post a thread in "Bitcoin Beginners" to discuss 100s of Stupid Questions I have about this Depth Chart/Order Book thing, but if any of you have any gyaan/knowledge to impart about this now, that'll be great too.
And they're back at it again
And they're back at it again
AAAAAAAAnd just as isntreal is about to be 'sploded, the bankers bring BTC back to 66666 again!
with crap posts like these you will NGMI into the SN leaderboard
I was expecting more newbies stackers to make a minimal effort and post good content so I can zap them to Valhala, but I see only crap posts. Sorry but if you do not do a minimal Proof of Work you will not get my sats.