Plenty of people were inside together and didn’t die. Maybe they got sick but they didn’t die.
Do you know anyone who died from covid? How old? Diabetic? Obese? Hypertension?
Many nursing home residents died from covid. Nursing home residents are also old and frail. Lots of sick seniors. Nursing home is your last home. No one moves to a townhouse from a nursing home.
Nursing home residents are on Medicaid which means they are poor.
this territory is moderated
Yes in our fields we experienced hundreds of COVID deaths, mostly old, though some children and some 50s-60s. Sometimes but not always with abnormal health conditions.
I also have some experience with assisted living. Assisted living is relatively expensive, depending on the area.
I don't believe vaccines should be mandated. Almost all of the people who we saw die from COVID were not vaccinated, but that doesn't at all make me think the government should make these decisions for people.
Some people will die who wouldn't have, had they been vaccinated. Maybe some vaccine will turn out to be lethal. It shouldn't give any obligation for a just government to restrict civil liberties.
Assisted living facility is different from a nursing home?
Nursing home residents are on Medicaid and often run by the county or state
Do you get covid booster every 3 months?
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @joda 7 Mar
God no, but I get vaccines sometimes when I'll be around vulnerable populations, which is only intermittently these days.
Similar for masking. I wear one around vulnerable people or when I'm in hospitals or elder care or hospice situations.
This should have been covid policy: protect vulnerable people
By protecting everyone, vulnerable people received less protection