COVID was great for affluent white female leftists or AWFL.
Spend all day in your 4000 square feet mansion, waiting for Amazon and food deliveries , lounging by the pool, Tesla charging in the garage. Hop on zoom for work meetings if you do work.
We are doing this together! I am making sacrifices to save lives!
Nauseating display of narcissism and vanity
this territory is moderated
Somehow, I have not come across "AWFL" before. Thanks for sharing that.
It wasn;t so bad for graduate students with newborns either. I didn't need to leave my house often anyway and we were already super protective about germ exposure.
You were finishing a dissertation and caring for a newborn ?
If you have a newborn, you get a pass, justifiably
Most graduate students don’t get a pass because they are ruining the country with bogus degrees and research
Physicists and some economists get a pass
I'd say they're (we're?) ruining the country with bogus influence. The degrees wouldn't matter if people paid less attention to us, as they should.