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Recent analyses show that the Cantillon effect can be very effective. US pensioners over the age of 65 were able to record an increase in wealth of over USD 91,000 during the 2019 to 2022 clown-virus crisis thanks to the expansionary monetary policy.a great system to slow down the younger generation and continue to line their pockets.
Yep. It's no coincidence that just about every US politician in power is well past typical retirement age.
I sense a lot of intergenerational resentment. Things might get ugly for Boomers once you all decline in political significance.
Cultures in decline can be described quite well, not least by the various levels of conflict. and the intergenerational line of conflict is more than obvious, as you are quite right. the plundering procession must come to an end at some point.
You had to include that "you", didn't you :)
Hahahaha. I feel fresh and young watching clown world entering the next chapter. Did You see what happened with the wiretapping scandal? Now the liberal party gets nervous, too. Crazy crazy times
Sure did, Boomer.