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The builders territory is nearly profitable (assuming a 100k sat monthly fee). If they’re on a yearly plan, they’ve just had their first profitable month with a 10% profit margin.
If you’re a territory owner, it’s worth taking a few minutes to check out their strategy and see what you can apply to your own territory.
A couple things jump out to me right away:
  • 1000 sat post cost
  • Lots of boosting
Despite the 1000 sat fee, builders are voting with their sats and are showing that the post cost isn’t prohibitively high. In addition, builders sharing their new projects are willing to pay for boosts for extra exposure.
Great to see a success of it.
@Car and the @PlebLab team will probably double the cost again now to test if it becomes prohibitively expensive. My gut tells me it won’t make a single bit of difference besides increasing those incentives 😃
We’re still learning, I think the biggest thing was making it more of an extension of @PlebLab and encouraging our community to post, discuss there and a ton of ABR, “Always be recruiting!”
What I would love to see is more community features for territories.
Here’s a couple ideas…
  • more personalized profile page
  • badges, gifs, stickers
  • templates for posts
  • subscriptions = perks for stackers who subscribe to territory
  • territory general store / selling digital goods
  • private messages or “stacker mail” / contact list, instant zaps
  • video embeds, song embeds
  • top contributors / friend list
  • customized territories, wallpaper etc…
  • quizzes, forum type posts, fundraisers etc…
  • collaboration posts, archive list
  • territory for teams
Love the idea of stacker sends (mail) above everything else for territories. That would make it worth the 3m alone (if not more) for owners.
Badges would be a great addition but would likely need integration site wide to be a smooth xp’erience.
💯 the biggest mistake both Digg and Reddit made was not have a proper filter for messages.
It’s one thing to block or mute someone it’s another to pay for someone’s attention, this could be corrected with zaps but likely difficult to build on stacker news.
This is why it’s hard to build community on the web, your first instinct is make it grow larger. But maybe like the real world your first thought should be to please your current users first.
Here in the ~AGORA, we definitely support all of these ideas for territories, together with the ability to save draft posts, but not sure if it's included on the templates you mentioned.
And hey, there's stuff that could be integrated with nostr😆
  • private messages
  • badges, gifs, stickers
  • more personalized profile page
Very good news. Of course, each territory is different. Builders I'm sure attracts startups who can use this territory for marketing. There are probably other territories who can benefit from this strategy. For my territories, I suspect I'd effectively shut them down if I raised my post minimum to 1000 sats, but maybe I'm wrong.
I think you're right. Each territory has its own particularities and what works in one may not work in another. What I've noticed is that sometimes good content gets a bit forgotten and doesn't make it to the first or second page of the hot home. Sometimes it needs a little push (zap).
yeah you’re right that each territory is unique, and i don’t want this to come across as a prescription for all territories.
that being said, i think boosts are some low-hanging fruits that many territory owners could use to get more revenue.
for example, maybe ~booksandarticles could have authors or substack writers pay sats to get in front of SN’s audience. i could see some writers willing to pay $25 for extra exposure for their work.
~booksandarticles is killing it. Really admirable what @siggy47 has bootstrapped and unlocked, so loads of potential for monetisation with that level of engagement.
Got a post landing in the next few days on territory numbers - something in there for everyone I hope - not just founders.
can’t wait to read it!
Please get it out!
That would be wonderful. Bounties solve the rent issue very quickly. I have seen a few of them in my territories. I am working on books and articles to make the territory an attractive place for writers to market their work. It just hasn't happened yet. I'm not complaining. I'm happy to see the green shoots that are appearing.
for sure, and there will also be improvements made to the boost functionality over time that make it easier to onboard advertisers and have them spend on SN
great to see this. I've got an idea for a territory I would like to create eventually and I would hope for something similar. nice to see strong communities are developing around specific topics
207 sats \ 0 replies \ @dk 7 Mar 2024
wow, love to see this! i suspect there can be many more profitable territories as people learn what works
Every territory has its own unique characteristics, and what works in one may not work in another. But I'm happy to know that it's possible to have sustainable territories That's good for everyone.
I doubt the Nix Os Territory will ever be profitable. At this point I'm looking at the territory fee as a SN donation.
As a thought exercise, if your number one priority in life was to make ~NixOS profitable, how would you approach the challenge?
I'd increase the territory fee to 1500 and make the territory a place to store and aggregate flakes. I'd arrange bounties for best flakes, create a podcast, publish articles, and sell merch. I'd have a geyser fund for donations, and business account with strike. I'd list the territory fee as a business deduction and reinvest the money saved into bitcoin miners and lightning liquidity and cold corn.
interesting ideas!
Excellent question. I have had thoughts like that lately. When you focus on a territory and what it's about, each one does have potential. I have three, but I don't have the brain power to give each full attention at once. That's okay. I even think dogs and cats has a shot once SN grows along with bitcoin.
for those considering creating a new territory, looking at the top territories by revenue periodically might inspire some new topic ideas or guide you towards creating a territory that is likely to earn sats
Great work ~builders.
Boosts seem to be the biggest hitter, but within ~music there doesn't seem to be that much of an interest outside of fountain every now and again.
1000 cost per post is interesting. I'm unsure how that would land with contributers to ~music but it might be worth trialling.
Now im interested what other teritories strategy
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.